1. 引言 
        这篇文章的目的是帮助与引导学生和指导教师正确地参加数学建模竞赛(MCM)和 交叉学科建模竞赛(ICM)。本文由COMAP提供有关竞赛的管理信息,以及保证参赛者 顺利、满意和愉快地参赛。文章包括三个部分: 竞赛前-包括竞赛前的准备与注册; 竞赛中-包括竞赛期间参赛队和指导教师常犯的错误; 竞赛后-包括竞赛结果与竞赛后的常见问题。 
        看到 就表示是重要的竞赛提示。 
2. 竞赛前 
数学建模竞赛(MCM)与交叉学科建模竞赛(ICM)是面向所有在校大学生和中学 生的国际竞赛,具有大学本科或以上学历者不得参加。 
MCM/ICM是真正的团队竞赛,每个队可以由一名、两名或(最多允许)三名学生组 成。根据历史的经验,最佳的组队是三个队员。在竞赛开始注册时,一个参赛队的所有学 生必须是在同一所院校中;COMAP将无例外地严格执行这个规则。在你们的参赛队中, 并不要求要有一个数学专业的学生,团队成员可以是来自任何专业的学生。在组建了参加 队之后,接着要选择一个指导教师。 
你们学校的任何全职教师、职员或学生都可担任指导教师。指导教师将作为参赛队的 主要联系人,也不要求来自数学系。然而,我们鼓励老师来担任参赛队的指导教师。 
鼓励参赛队和指导教师一起通过研读前些年的竞赛题和解答论文来准备参加竞赛。你 们可在网站www.mathmodels.org上找到这些竞赛题和解答论文,以及竞赛相关的文章。这 些竞赛题是自由浏览的,解答论文和相关文章是对于mathmodels.org的会员开放的。 
 看看前些年的竞赛题,有利于你们在竞赛开始时的选题,了解 MCM与 ICM的问题 之间的差异性—-涉及的数学方法和所讨论的议题的差异(MCM:离散、连续、数据分 析;ICM:运筹学/网络科学、环境科学、政策研究)。 
注册:参赛队必须在竞赛开始前通过竞赛网站报名注册,注册过程的第一步是要支 付 100美元的注册费,我们在收到你们的金融机构确认信息后,系统会自动为你们队派发 一个控制号(参赛队号)。你们队在收到控制号之前是没有正式成功注册的。 
一定要打印显示你们队控制编号的网页,该页列出了你们队注册时填写的电子邮件 地址和密码。后面你们将需要这些信息来完成整个的竞赛过程。另外,这也是你们的交 易凭证,在这个过程中,你们不会收到注册的确认邮件。 
一定要在注册完成后,立即打印或保存包含你们队控制号的收据凭证拷贝,因为之后 你们不会再有机会这样做了。 
3. 竞赛中        竞赛题将在竞赛开始日,美国东部时间下午5:00准时发布,参赛队员可能通过访问 下面的网页获得竞赛题: 
在竞赛开始之后,只要去任何一个网站,你都能看到一个竞赛题的链接,打开浏览 竞赛题不需要密码。如果你不能访问这些网站,则可能是你的本地网络连接问题。我们强 烈建议你收藏或保存这些镜像网站,以方便之后引用。 
这些镜像网站将比COMAP官网主页早10分钟发布竞赛题,访问这些镜像站点或许更 容易响应,因为他们的访问量要少得多。 
在赛题页面上将会有一个 zip文件,其中包含有 3个 MCM问题和 3个 ICM问题的 一个文件夹,所有的数据文件和支撑材料都将包含在问题的文件夹中。参赛队可以自由选 择 6个问题中的任何一个,但是只能提交一个问题的解答论文。6个问题的题型分类如 下: 
 MCM 问题 A (连续型)  MCM 问题 B (离散型)  MCM 问题 C (数据分析)  ICM 问题 D (运筹学/网络科学)  ICM 问题 E (环境科学)  ICM 问题 F (政策研究) 
   你们在确定选题前,一定要仔细阅读问题的陈述。每个问题都有不同的和具体的要 求,例如:要求提供备忘录或信件,具体的解答格式和/或页数限制等。 
参赛队员不可以寻求除了同一队的队员以外任何人的帮助,以及与指导教师或其 他任何人讨论问题。你们队员以外的任何人介入都是严格禁止的。这里包括(但不限于) 用任何通信方式介入:如电子邮件、电话、电报、私聊软件、网络聊天、互动讨论群,以 及其他的任何问答系统等。 
在整个竞赛期间,可能在MCM/ICM问题网页上发现有竞赛题的说明与更新。如果你 们还有网站上未涵盖的问题,你们可以发送邮件到mcm@comap.com,邮件中一定要包含 你们的参赛队号。 
在竞赛期间,一定要注意查看网站上的更新。如果有竞赛信息的任何更新(可能包括 特定问题的更新),COMAP都将会更新这个网站。 
论文必须用英文书写,采用一种不小于 12P的易读字体,页面尺寸不大于 A4幅面。 解答必须包括完整的书面文本,以及必要的图形、图表,或其他的书面材料。但不接受 非论文的支撑材料,例如计算机程序文件或工具软件文件等。 
         在解答论文每一页的页眉上必须显示正确的参赛队控制号和页码数。例如,在每一 页上使用下面的页标题: 
Team # 54321                                                                             Page 6 of 20 
        一定要仔细检查你们的参赛队号,不能输错或改变任一位数字,否则将无法识别你们 的论文。 
         参赛队的学生和指导教师的姓名,或学校名称不能出现在电子版论文的任何一页 上。解答论文中不能包含除了参赛队控制号以外的任何与参赛队身份相关的信息。 
         论文中不能包含任何形式的参赛队身份信息,如学生姓名、学校名称或地理区域等。如果要 求你们提交一封信,一定不要在信上签写你们的真实名字。如果你们认为在信的最后需要有一 个正规的结束语,我们建议使用:Sincerely, Team #54321. 
要求每个参赛队提交一份自己的论文电子版(PDF格式或Word格式文件),发送邮 件到solutions@comap.com。任何一个参赛队员或指导教师都可以发送邮件,但不要多次重复发 送。   在邮件的主题行写:COMAP  你们队的控制号,例如:  COMAP 54321  邮件的附件名要用你们队的控制号命名,例如:54321.doc,或 54321.pdf 
一定要仔细检查你们的文件名与参赛队号的正确性,因为这是经常出现的一类错误和 混淆,一旦出错系统将无法识别。 
 COMAP只接受你们解答论文的一个 PDF 文件或 Word 文件。在你们的邮件中 不能包括你们的控制页(Control Sheet)、计算程序、或工具软件,这些在评 判过程中是没有用的。要求每封邮件只能包括一个参赛队的论文。你们队的摘要 (summary)必须是论文文件的第一页,不能分为两个文件。 
*注意:邮件的附件必须小于 17MB!一定不要使用云附件或超大附件功能, 例如 Google Docs、QQ 的超大附件和网易的超大附件等,否则 COMAP 将不能收到 你们的附件文件。你们的邮件必须包含一个 PDF 文件或 Word 文件。 
关于论文电子版邮件提交,一定不要使用超大附件和云附件功能,你们的邮件必 须包含一个 PDF文件或 Word文件的附件。邮件检查清单: 
[] 邮件主题是正确的 (COMAP #控制号)。 [] 邮件附件 (一个文件) 名字是正确的(Team #控制号) ,而且已附加到邮件中。 [] 发送到的邮件地址是正确的 (solutions@comap.com)。 
(4)控制页/提交  每一个参赛队员必须在控制页上签上自己的名字,以表明他或她遵守了竞赛规则 和要求。 
 将签了名的控制页(Control Sheet)发送邮件到 COMAP: 
在签名的控制页准备好之后,发送邮件到:forms@comap.com。在你的邮件主题行 写:COMAP  你们的控制号,例如:COMAP 54321。COMAP只授受一个你们队控制页的 PDF文件或照片图像文件。要求每封邮件只发送一个控制页。  *注意:邮件的附件必须小于 17MB!!一定不要使用云附件或超大附件功 能,例如 Google Docs、QQ的超大附件和网易的超大附件等,否则 COMAP 将不能 收到你们的附件文件。你们邮件必须包含一个 PDF 文件或图像文件。 
关于控制页的邮件提交,一定不要用超大附件和云附件功能,你们的邮件必须包含一 个物理的 PDF文件或图像文件的附件。邮件检查清单: 
[] 邮件主题是正确的 (COMAP #控制号)。 [] 邮件附件 (一个文件) 命名是正确的(Team #控制号) ,而且已附加到邮件中。 [] 发送到的邮件地址是正确的 (forms@comap.com)。 
4. 竞赛后 
         我们建议你通过指导教师登陆(Advisor Login)连接登录竞赛网页,查验 COMAP 是否收到了你们队的论文电子版。 
         在竞赛结束时间之后,论文电子版的状态将会更新。通常情况下,在竞赛结束 24- 48 小时后,论文电子版的状态都将会更新。 
         如果你们队的论文电子版状态显示为 “ Received”(收到),这就说明我们已收到了 你们队提交的电子邮件。如下图: 
         如果在 48小时后,你们队的论文电子版状态显示为“not yet received”(没有收 到),这就说明我们没有收到你们队提交的电子邮件,如下图。可以通过你们的参赛队号 发邮件联系我们。 
        关于评审:评审工作将在 3月至 4月间完成,竞赛结果将在 4月 30日前公布。参赛 论文将被评定为 Disqualified(不合格)、Unsuccessful(不成功参赛)、Successful Participant(成功参赛)、Honorable Mention(优秀奖)、 Meritorious(优异奖)、 Finalist(优胜提名奖)、 Outstanding Winner(优胜奖)。 
Successful Participant:这个队的论文回答了竞赛题要求的问题,并且给出了结果。 
Honorable Mention:这个队的论文包含了建模和问题解决的全部要素,并且被认为 超过了平均水平。 
Meritorious:这个队的论文在建模和问题解决的很多方面被认定为优秀,论文给出 了建模和问题解决的全部要素,并且给出了清晰的表述,在所有参赛论文中是优异的。 
Finalist:提名奖的论文是被公认为优秀水平的论文,并且符合进入最后一轮评审的 要求。进入最后一轮评审论文占所有参赛论文的 2%。 
Outstanding Winner:这些队的论文被评定为从竞赛题要求建模的各个要素、竞赛问 题的解答论文和解答论文的表述等方面相比而言都是水平最高的。这些论文通常会被作为 优秀学生的作品公开出版。 
        在竞赛结果公布以后,你们可以通过 Advisor Login连接登录竞赛网页,查寻你们队 的最终评审结果。 
        对所有提交的竞赛论文不进行复评。所有的竞赛论文都通过严密的评审过程,之后由 COMAP确定出获奖论文等级。我们建议你们去学习这些优秀论文,同时阅读评委对这些 最高水平论文的评论和介绍。 
        不得以任何理由要求重评参赛论文,但是你们可以选择要求评委对你们队的论文专门 撰写评论。你们可以在竞赛结果公布之后,通过这个网站提出你们的服务请求。 
        一旦竞赛结果在网站上公布,PDF格式的证书就可以下载。证书上的学生名字的拼 写和排序都是由你们队的指导教师注册时输入确定的,COMAP不会改变或编辑这些信 息。 
         学生名字的排序是没有关系的,也与参与的重要程度无关。在 COMAP和竞赛主席 看来,所有参赛队员都是平等的。在注册时,指导教师要确保所有参赛队员的名字拼写正 确。 
        如果你们发现你们的证书有错误,请发送邮件给 COMAP,告知你们的队号、出现的 错误和正确的结果。我们只改变拼写错误和打印错误,不会修改其他任何信息。 

MCM-ICM: Procedures and Tips for a Great Experience 




The purpose of this article is to assist and guide students and advisors participating in The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM). In the article, COMAP, provides information about the administration of the contests, as well as tips to ensure your contest experience is smooth, satisfying, and enjoyable. The article is broken up into three sections.   Before the Contest – Covers contest prep and registration.  Contest – Covers common mistakes made by teams and advisors during the contest.  After the Contest – Results and common post contest questions. 

Look for which indicates an important contest tip. 


Before the Contest 

The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) are international contests open to all undergraduate and high school students. Individuals with a Bachelor’s degree or above are not allowed. 

The MCM/ICM are true team competitions. Each team may consist of one, two, or three (maximum allowed) students. Historically, the best teams have three members. All students on the team MUST be enrolled at the same institution at the start of the contest; COMAP will make no exceptions to this rule. Having a math major on your team is not required, and student team members may be from any field of study. After you have created your team, the next step is to choose an advisor. 

Any faculty, staff member, or student at your institution can fulfill the role of Advisor. The advisor will act as the main point of contact for the team, and does not have to be from the mathematics department. We do however encourage faculty members to serve as team advisors. 

Teams and Advisors are encouraged to prepare for the contest by viewing the previous year’s problems and solutions. You can find these problems and solutions, as well as relevant contest articles at www.mathmodels.org. The problems are free to view, and the solutions and articles are available to mathmodels.org members. 




Contest Tip   Look at problems from previous years to understand the choices you will have when the contest begins. Understand the general differences between MCM and ICM problems, both in terms of the mathematics involved and the topics addressed (MCM: discrete, continuous, data insights;  ICM: operations research/network sciences, environmental sciences, policy).  

Registration. Teams must register via the contest website prior to the contests’ beginning. The first step in the process is to pay the $100 registration fee. After we receive approval from your financial institution, the system will issue a control number for your team. Your team is not officially registered until you have received a team control number.  

Be sure to print the page that displays your team’s control number, as this page lists the email address and password that you entered when registering. You will need this information later to complete the contest procedures. Additionally, this is your transaction receipt. You will NOT receive an email confirmation of your registration. 

Contest Tip Be sure to print or save a copy of your team’s receipt with your control number, as you will not be given another opportunity to do so. The Contest  

The contest problems will become available precisely at 5PM EST on the starting day of the contest. Team members can view the problems by visiting http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm.  

The contest problems will become available on these mirror sites precisely at 4:50PM EST on the starting day of the contest  

http://www.comap-math.com/mcm/index.html http://www.mathismore.net/mcm/index.html http://www.mathportals.com/mcm/index.html http://www.immchallenge.org/mcm/index.html  

No password will be needed to view the problems; simply go to any of the contest web sites after the starting time of the contest and you will see a link to view the problems. If you cannot access any of the sites, there may be a problem with your local Internet connection. We highly recommended that you bookmark or save the list of mirror sites above for later reference.  



Contest Tip The contest problems go live on the mirror sites 10 minutes before the main COMAP website. Access to these mirror sites maybe more responsive as they may have less traffic. 

Problem Choice. The contest problem page will contain a link to a zip file that contains a folder of 3 MCM problems and 3 ICM problems. Teams are free to choose from any one of the six problems, but should submit a solution to only one problem. Any relevant data files or support materials will be included in the problem folder. Each of the six problems is categorized as shown below: 

 MCM Problem A (continuous)  MCM Problem B (discrete)  MCM Problem C (data insights)  ICM Problem D (operations research/network science)  ICM Problem E (environmental science)  ICM Problem F (policy) 

Contest Tip  Be sure to read the problem statements carefully before choosing your team’s problem. Each problem will have different and specific requirements, such as required memos or letters, specific solution format, and/or page limits. 

Contest Assistance. Team members may NOT seek help from or discuss the problem with their advisor or anyone else, except other members of the same team. Input, in any form, from anyone other than your own team members is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, any communication in the form of: email, telephone contact, electronic messaging, personal conversation, communication via web chat or interactive discussion groups, and any other question-answer systems.  

Problem Notes and Updates can be found on the MCM/ICM problem page throughout the contest period. If you still have a question that is not covered on the website you can send an email to mcm@comap.com. Be sure to include the team number with your correspondence. 

Contest Tip  Be sure to check the website for any updates during the contest. COMAP will update the website with any updated contest information which may include problem specific updates. 

Solutions/Submissions. Papers including the Summary page must be in English, typed in a readable font of at least 12-point type, and must use either US Letter or A4 page size. The solution must consist entirely of written text, and possibly figures, charts, or other written 



material only. No non-paper support materials such as computer files or software will be accepted.  

The Solution Paper must display the team control number and the page number at the top of every page; for example, use the following page header on each page: 

Team # 321                                                                             Page 6 of 13 

Contest Tip  Be sure to carefully check your team number as it is not uncommon to mistype or transpose a number. 

The names of the student team members, advisor, or institution should NOT appear on any page of the electronic solution. The solution should NOT contain any identifying information other than the team control number. 

Contest Tip  Do not include any type of team identification such as student names, institution name or geographical region. If you are required to include a letter with your submission, be sure not to sign the letter with your name. If you feel as though you need to have a formal closing to such a letter we suggest using: Sincerely, Team #321. 

Each team is required to submit an electronic copy of its solution paper (Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word file) by email to solutions@comap.com. Any team member or the advisor may submit this email. 

 In the subject line of your email write: COMAP and your team’s control number. For example: Subject:  COMAP 2222  Use your team’s control number as the name of your file attachments. For example: 2222.doc, 2222.docx or 2222.pdf 


Contest Tip  Be sure to name your file carefully and check your team number, as it is not uncommon to mistype or transpose a number. 


  COMAP will accept only an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word file of your solution. DO NOT include your Control Sheet, programs or software with your email as they will not be used in the judging process. Limit one team’s solution per email. Your team's summary should be included as the first page of your file and NOT in a separate second file. *Note: The attachment must be less than 17MB!! Do not use a cloud service such as Google Docs. Your email must contain an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word attachment. 



Contest Tip  EMAIL SOLUTION SUBMISSION: Be sure NOT to use a cloud service such as Google Docs your email must contain an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word attachment. Email checklist:  

[] Email subject is correct (COMAP #) [] Attachment (one file) is named correctly (Team #) and attached to the email. [] The “to” address field is correct (solutions@comap.com). 

Each team member must sign the Control Sheet to pledge that he or she abided by the contest rules and instructions. 

 Send the signed Control Sheet by email to COMAP: After the signed control sheet is prepared, email it to: forms@comap.com. In the subject line of your email write: COMAP and your team's control number. For example: COMAP 2222. COMAP will accept only an Adobe PDF or a Photo Image of your control sheet. Limit one control sheet per email. Teams may take pictures of the signed control sheet with a phone or digital camera and then email the images to forms@comap.com. *Note: The attachment must be less than 17MB!! Do not use a cloud service such as Google Docs your email must contain an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word attachment. 

Contest Tip  EMAIL CONTROL SHEET SUBMISSION: Be sure not to use a cloud service such as Google Docs your email must contain a physical Adobe PDF or Photo attachment. Email checklist:  

[] Email subject is correct (COMAP #) [] Attachments are named correctly (Team #) and attached to the email [] The “To” address field is correct (forms@comap.com). After the Contest 

We recommend that you login to the contest web site using the Advisor Login link to verify that your team’s Electronic Solution was received at COMAP. 



Contest Tip  Electronic Solutions status will be updated after the contest deadline has past. In most cases solution status will be updated 24-48 hours after the contest is over. 

If after 48 hours your team solution shows as (not yet received), that indicates that we did not 



receive an email submission from your team. Contact us via email with your team number. 



Judging. Judging will be completed in March-April and the results will be posted on or before April 30th each year. The Solution Papers will be recognized as Disqualified, Unsuccessful, Successful Participant, Honorable Mention, Meritorious, Finalist, or Outstanding Winner. 

Disqualified – The team's report was found to be in violation of the contest rules.  Unsuccessful Participant – The team's report did not adequately respond to the requirements of the contest problem.  Successful Participant – The report responded to the requirements of the contest problem and communicated those results to the judges.  Honorable Mention – The team's report contained elements that were judged to contain above average progress in modeling and problem solving.  Meritorious – The team's report was judged to be excellent in many aspects of modeling and problem solving. The report showed elements of modeling, problem solving, and communication that are exemplary for the scope of the contest.  Finalist – The designation Finalist recognizes those reports at a level of excellence that qualified them for the final round of judging. Reports reaching the final round of judging constitute at most two percent of all reports.  Outstanding Winner – The team's report was judged to be at the highest level relative to the contest submissions in terms of modeling, solving the contest problem, and communicating the solution. These reports are generally published and used as examples of outstanding student work. 

When the results are available you can login to the contest web site using the Advisor Login link to verify your team’s Final Designation. 


Contest submissions cannot be re-judged. All contest papers go through a rigorous judging process and COMAP stands behind the designations awarded to papers. We do suggest that you review the outstanding papers and read the judges commentary for insights into the quality of the content and presentation of the best papers. 

Contest Tip  Papers cannot be rejudged for any reason, but you do have the option to request a Judge’s Commentary written specifically about your team’s paper. You can request this service after the contest results have been announced via the website. 



Once the results are made public on the website, PDF certificates will be available for download. The spelling and order of the student names on the certificate is input by your team advisor and COMAP does not change or edit this information. 

Contest Tip  The order of the student names has no bearing or importance on participation. In the eyes of COMAP and the contest directors, all team members are equal. Advisors should ensure they spell team members’ names correctly when registering. 

If you find that there is an error with your certificate email COMAP with your team number, the error and the correction. We will only correct spelling errors and typos. We will not change any other information.