修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家


修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家

OS X seems like it has a keyboard shortcut for just about everything, and you can change most of them if they don’t suit your tastes. If you want to launch an application using the keyboard, however, you have to use add-on software.

OS X似乎具有用于几乎所有内容的键盘快捷键,如果它们不适合您的口味,则可以更改其中的大多数 。 但是,如果要使用键盘启动应用程序,则必须使用附加软件。

Quicksilver has long been viewed as a viable Spotlight alternative, but it can do a great deal more than that as well. Billed as a productivity app, Quicksilver can let you browse your Mac with keywords, manage content, access documents, music, and even launch applications directly from the keyboard.

长期以来,Quicksilver被认为是可行的Spotlight替代品 ,但它所能做的还远远超过此。 Quicksilver被称为生产力应用程序,可让您使用关键字浏览Mac,管理内容,访问文档,音乐,甚至直接从键盘启动应用程序。

To do this, you have to create what Quicksilver calls triggers, which as you might have guessed “trigger” an application to open with a few keystrokes.


This is quite useful if you have an application routine so-to-speak, which you go through every morning at work, or you use a notorious battery waster on your Mac such as Chrome. It’s easy to close Chrome whenever you’re done by using “Command + Q”, and then you can then just open it again later with your own custom hot key trigger.

如果您有一个可以说的应用程序例程(每天早晨上班),或者在Mac上使用臭名昭著的电池浪费(例如Chrome),这将非常有用。 使用“ Command + Q”完成操作后,关闭Chrome很容易,然后您可以稍后使用自己的自定义热键触发器再次将其打开。

使用Quicksilver创建应用程序触发器 (Creating Application Triggers with Quicksilver)

If you haven’t installed Quicksilver yet, then head over the download page and install the version that is appropriate to your OS X release.

如果尚未安装Quicksilver, 请转到下载页面并安装适用于OS X发行版的版本。

修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家

Once Quicksilver is installed, it will override the normal “Command + Space” keyboard shortcut that opens Spotlight, or you can also launch it from a Dock shortcut or the Applications folder.

安装Quicksilver后,它将覆盖打开Spotlight的常规“ Command + Space”键盘快捷方式 ,或者您也可以从Dock快捷方式或“应用程序”文件夹中启动它。

With the Quicksilver application open, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and click “Triggers” from the drop-down menu.


修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家
Each item has a keyboard shortcut, which means you can create quick triggers on the fly.

On the Triggers panel, click the “+” along the bottom, as indicated in the screenshot below.

在“触发器”面板上,单击底部的“ +”,如下面的屏幕快照所示。

修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家

Each work day, we have several applications that we always open first including Chrome, Parallels, Skitch, and our favorite communication client, Slack. We’ll show you how to create a quick hot key trigger to open Slack.

每个工作日,我们都会首先打开几个应用程序,包括Chrome,Parallels,Skitch和我们最喜欢的通信客户端Slack 。 我们将向您展示如何创建快速热键触发器以打开Slack。

First, in the “Select an item” pane, type a letter or a few letters of the name of your application and you will see a selection of results to choose from.


In the following screenshot, Slack is selected and we’ll leave the “Action” as “Open” since that is what we want the application to do.

在下面的屏幕快照中,选择了Slack,我们将“ Action”保留为“ Open”,因为这是我们希望应用程序执行的操作。

修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家

With your application selected, you now need to add a trigger. Click the area indicated in the screenshot below to open the hot key dialog.

选择应用程序后,您现在需要添加触发器。 单击下面的屏幕快照中指示的区域,以打开热键对话框。

修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家

There are a number of options you can configure, such as whether you have to repeat or hold the keyboard combination. We’re simply going to click “Edit” and enter “Command + Shift + S”.

您可以配置许多选项,例如是否必须重复或按住键盘组合键。 我们只需单击“编辑”,然后输入“ Command + Shift + S”。

修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家
If you don’t like your shortcut or it conflicts with another one, just click the “Edit” button to change it.

You can then go through and repeat this process for every application you want to assign a hot key trigger however, make sure you test each combination for conflicts and bear in mind, you might encounter trouble later on.


修改应用程序热键_如何通过热键组合在OS X上打开应用程序-编程之家
Keep conflicts in mind. For example, in this case, “Command + Shift + W” actually conflicts with a Skitch shortcut, so we’ll have to change our Windows 8.1 trigger.
记住冲突。 例如,在这种情况下,“ Command + Shift + W”实际上与Skitch快捷方式冲突,因此我们必须更改Windows 8.1触发器。

If you ever need to alter or adjust a trigger, you can simply click on it in the “Custom Triggers” pane and do that. Now, whenever you have Quicksilver running in the background, it should intercept your hot keys and launch the appropriate application.

如果您需要更改或调整触发器,只需在“自定义触发器”窗格中单击它即可。 现在,无论何时在后台运行Quicksilver,它都应拦截您的热键并启动适当的应用程序。

If you don’t wish to use Quicksilver, you can also try Alfred, which is a similar productivity app for Mac OS X. Alfred has garnered many favorable reviews but to unpack its full potential, you have to purchase the separate power pack. Quicksilver by contrast, is completely free.

如果您不希望使用Quicksilver, 也可以尝试使用Mac OS X的类似生产力应用程序Alfred。Alfred赢得了许多好评,但要发挥其全部潜力,您必须购买单独的电源。 相比之下,Quicksilver是完全免费的。

We hope you found this article useful, and you’re now able to quickly open your favorite applications with just a few taps of the keyboard. If you have any comments or questions you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望您觉得本文有用,并且现在您只需轻按几次键盘即可快速打开自己喜欢的应用程序。 如果您有任何意见或疑问要发表,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219713/how-to-open-an-application-on-os-x-with-a-hotkey-combination/
