
by João Henrique


成为您的身份永远不会太晚-在36岁时成为一名开发人员 (It is never too late to be who you might have been — becoming a developer at age 36)

Yep! I made it! I’m a Full Stack JavaScript Developer working for a pretty cool German company in the sunny Algarve (Portugal). I have the privilege of working with the most amazing individuals, in a friendly working environment that embraces innovation and loves challenges. I get to grow my skills as a developer, as a team player, and as a person.

是的 我做到了! 我是一名全栈JavaScript开发人员,在阳光明媚的阿尔加威(葡萄牙)的一家很酷的德国公司工作。 我有幸在一个充满创新并热爱挑战的友好工作环境中与最出色的人一起工作。 作为一名开发人员,团队合作者和个人,我的技能得到了提高。

With some friends, we won two hackathons and we got to donate part of the prize to the local firefighter’s department. We are helping other students that are learning to code in local study groups. Made lots of true friends and got to know exceptional people that are committed in their own projects to push the region’s tech scene forward.

与一些朋友一起,我们赢得了两次黑客马拉松,我们必须将部分奖金捐赠给当地的消防员部门。 我们正在帮助其他正在本地学习小组学习编码的学生。 结识了许多真正的朋友,并结识了致力于自己项目的杰出人士,以推动该地区的科技发展。

The journey I took made me more confident and assertive in my choices. I developed a growth mindset and I’m constantly improving my skills so that I can contribute even more to the community.

我的旅程使我对自己的选择更加自信和自信。 我培养了成长的心态,并且不断提高自己的技能,以便为社区做出更多贡献。

I’m pretty happy with the course of my life, especially with the kind of person I became. But, I was not always like this. I was not always so proactive, so confident and, I was certainly not always a developer.

我对自己的生活非常满意,特别是对我成为的那种人。 但是,我并不总是这样。 我并不总是那么积极主动,那么自信,而且我当然也不总是一个开发人员。

In this article, I will explain to you the process that changed an average guy into an achiever, and how, if you commit to it, everything is within your reach. I will show you what I have learned during my journey to become a developer and try to inspire you to become the best you can be.

在本文中,我将向您说明将普通人转变为成就者的过程,以及如何(如果您致力于实现)一切都触手可及。 我将向您展示我在成为开发人员的过程中所学到的知识,并尝试激发您成为最好的人。

你为什么要在乎呢? (Why should you care?)

We all have our lives, some are better than others but, we are living them as we please. Now imagine you are going to die someday, and then, somehow, you find time to make a retrospective on your life. Would you change anything? Would your attitude towards life be different?

我们都有自己的生活,有些比其他的要好,但是,我们正在尽其所能地生活。 现在,假设您将有一天死去,然后以某种方式找到时间来回顾自己的生活。 你会改变什么吗? 您对生活的态度会有所不同吗?

An Australian nurse called Bronnie Ware spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives and put her observations into a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. You can watch her TED talk here.

一位名叫Bronnie Ware的澳大利亚护士在姑息治疗领域工作了数年,在生命的最后十二周里照顾病人,并将她的观察结果写进了《临终的五个遗憾》 一书中 。 您可以在这里观看她的TED演讲。

Bronnie writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. The number one regret is:

布朗尼(Bronnie)写道,人们在生命的尽头获得的惊人的清晰视野,以及我们如何从他们的智慧中学习。 第一遗憾是:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”.


I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is, you are still going to die at some point. The good news is:

我有个好消息,但我有个坏消息。 坏消息是,您仍然会在某个时候死亡。 好消息是:

“It is never too late to be who you might have been”. — GEORGE ELIOT

“成为您可能永远不会太迟”。 —乔治·埃利奥特

您太老了/年轻吗? (Are you too old/young for this?)

Ok, let’s address the elephant in the room.


  • At the age of 17, Michael Sayman created an app that saved his family’s home from bankruptcy. Michael was recruited to join Facebook and became the company’s youngest employee ever.

    迈克尔·塞曼(Michael Sayman)在17岁时创建了一个应用程序,该应用程序使家人免于破产。 迈克尔被招募加入Facebook,并成为该公司有史以来最年轻的员工。

  • Mark Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook at age 19.

    马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)19岁时与他人共同创立了Facebook。

  • Jimmy Wales founded Wikipedia at age 35.

    吉米·威尔士(Jimmy Wales)在35岁时创立了Wikipedia。

  • The founders of McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Kentucky Fried Chicken were all over 50 when they established their businesses.


  • There are even people jumping off planes in their 90’s.


Guess it’s clear that age has nothing to do with it. The only barriers are in your mind.

猜想很明显,年龄与年龄无关。 唯一的障碍就在您的脑海中。

“Whether you think you can, or you think you cant… You’re right.” — HENRY FORD

“无论您认为自己可以,还是认为自己不能……您是对的。” – 亨利·福特

你应该辞职吗? (Should you quit your job?)

Well… not yet! At least not until you finish this article. But the question here should be, what is keeping you there?

好吧…还没有! 至少直到您完成本文为止。 但是这里的问题应该是,是什么使您留在这里?

Do you wake up in the morning with a mission? Do you feel part of something great? Do you love what you do? Are you making the world a better place? Are you exploring your full potential? Do you feel fulfilled?

你早上有任务醒来吗? 你觉得自己很棒吗? 你喜欢你的工作吗? 您正在使世界变得更美好吗? 您在挖掘自己的全部潜力吗? 你感到满足吗?

If you’re not Tim Ferris from 4 hour work week, you spend most of your days working, so you should be spending your time wisely. Researchers claim that “being unhappy at work can be worse for mental health than having no job at all”.

如果您不是每周工作4个小时的 Tim Ferris,那么您将大部分时间都花在工作上,因此,您应该明智地花费时间。 研究人员声称“对工作不满可能比完全没有工作对心理健康更不利 ”。

Don’t worry. I spent 12 years in my previous job as a Senior Laboratory Technician. I was doing environmental analysis and I liked what I did but, I was no longer passionate about it. Every day was the same and there was a general lack of purpose. The only thing that kept me there was the money at the end of the month. Or so I thought…

不用担心 我在之前的工作中曾担任高级实验室技术员12年。 我当时在做环境分析,我喜欢我所做的事情,但是我不再对它充满热情。 每天都是一样的,普遍缺乏目标。 唯一让我留在那儿的是月底的钱。 或者我以为…

关闭自动驾驶仪 (Turn the auto-pilot off)

There is a Zen story about a man riding a horse that is galloping very quickly. Another man, standing alongside the road, yells at him, “Where are you going?” and the man on the horse yells back, “I don’t know. Ask the horse.”

有一个禅宗故事,讲述一个人骑马驰riding的速度非常快。 站在路边的另一个男人对他大喊:“你要去哪里?” 骑着马的男人大喊:“我不知道。 问马。”

Are you living in auto-pilot? In my case, I realize that most of the time, I’ve been riding full speed through life but I had little or no control over the “horse”.

您住在自动驾驶吗? 就我而言,我意识到大多数时候我一直在全速前进,但是对“马”的控制却很少或没有。

I could say that I could not leave my job because I had a family to support. Or how could I justify the money my parents spent in my studies for me to have a decent career? These were all viable excuses. But…what really kept me there for so many years was my lack of action.

我可以说我不能辞职,因为我有一个家庭要抚养。 或者我怎么能证明父母花在我的学业上的钱让我拥有一个体面的职业呢? 这些都是可行的借口。 但是……让我呆了这么多年的真正原因是我缺乏行动。

控制你的生活 (Take control of your life)

We often don’t act because we are waiting for something different to happen, something that will show us “the way”, something that will magically make our lives better but, life doesn’t work like that. Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.

我们常常不采取行动,是因为我们在等待着不同的事情发生,一些事情会向我们展示“道路”,某些事情会神奇地使我们的生活变得更好,但生活却并非如此。 生活不是在寻找自己,生活是在创造自己。

Don’t wait for the prophecy to fulfill, don’t place your future in the hands of destiny and don’t blame others for what happens to you. You should be the one steering the “horse” because no one is coming for the rescue and you are the only one with the power to change the course of your life.

不要等待预言的实现,不要将自己的未来掌握在命运之内,也不要将发生的一切归咎于他人。 您应该是操纵“马”的人,因为没有人来进行救援,并且您是唯一有权改变生活方式的人。

“The future depends on what you do today.”



– 圣雄甘地

我们有多幸运? (How lucky are we?)

I do realize that I’m lucky to be born in a developed country and that there are people that just don’t have the same opportunities as I did. Be it because they live in a place where basic needs are not fulfilled, in a more restrictive culture, or in a country devastated by war. For those, I have little to teach and much to learn.

我确实意识到,我很幸运能出生在发达国家,而且有些人没有像我一样拥有相同的机会。 可能是因为他们生活在无法满足基本需求的地方,更加严格的文化中或在遭受战争破坏的国家中。 对于那些人,我几乎没有什么要教的,有很多东西要学。

But, if you are reading this, you have access to the internet and you have spare time. That’s basically all you need to start. If you still feel that you are not in the privileged group, you should check the Dollar Street Website. I bet you are doing better than you thought. Right?

但是,如果您正在阅读本文,则可以访问互联网,并且有空闲时间。 基本上这就是您需要开始的全部。 如果您仍然觉得自己不在特权组中,则应查看Dollar Street网站 。 我敢打赌,您的表现比您想像的要好。 对?

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” — ZIG ZIGLAR

“开始时不必太好,但是必须开始好。” — ZIG ZIGLAR

离开舒适区 (Get out of your comfort zone)

Staying home all day, watching Netflix or playing games won’t do it. Sorry! You must do the work. You must push yourself. There’s a world of possibilities waiting for you out there. The magic happens out of your comfort zone.

全天待在家里,看Netflix或玩游戏都不会这样做。 抱歉! 你必须做的工作。 你必须推动自己。 那里有无限的可能性等着您。 魔术发生在您舒适的区域之外。

If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done”. It’s not an easy path. You will face lots of challenges and you will suck at it at first. But, if you want to grow, you have to put yourself out there and take some risks.

如果您想要从未有过的事情,那么您就必须做从未做过的事情 ”。 这不是一条容易的路。 您将面临很多挑战,一开始就会感到困惑。 但是,如果您想成长,就必须将自己摆在那儿并承担一些风险。

“A ship in harbor Is safe, but that is not what ships are built for .“ — JOHN A. SHEDD

“港口的船只是安全的,但那不是造船的目的。” — JOHN A. SHEDD

失败的力量 (The power of failure)

Yep… get used to it. Failure is part of the process. In school, they teach us that failure is a bad thing. No wonder many of the successful entrepreneurs are dropouts. “You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.”

是的…习惯了。 失败是过程的一部分。 在学校里,他们告诉我们失败是一件坏事。 难怪许多成功的企业家都辍学了。 “ 您从失败中学到的东西多于从成功中学到的东西。 不要让它阻止你。 失败造就了个性。”

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” — PAULO COELHO

“只有一件事使梦想无法实现:对失败的恐惧。” – 保罗·科埃略

One reporter once asked Thomas Edison if he was discouraged by all his failures. Edison replies cheerfully: “Not at all, for I have learned a thousand ways it cannot be done and therefore I am a thousand times nearer the final successful experiment”.

一位记者曾经问过托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison),是否对他的所有失败感到灰心。 爱迪生兴高采烈地回答: “一点也不,因为我已经学到了千种无法完成的方法,因此距离最后一次成功的实验还差一千倍。”

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” — WINSTON CHURCHILL

“成功在失败与失败之间tum绊绊,而热情丝毫未减。” – 温斯顿·丘吉尔

In life, falling down is sometimes inevitable, but if you learn with your mistakes, every time you get back up, you will emerge stronger and wiser. Embrace failure as part of the process so that you won't be afraid to push your limits.

在生活中,跌倒有时是不可避免的,但是如果您从错误中学习,每当您站起来时,就会变得更加坚强和明智。 将失败视为过程的一部分,这样您就不会害怕突破极限。

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough”. — ELON MUSK

“失败是一种选择。 如果一切都没有失败,那么您就没有足够的创新力。” —伊隆麝香

学会积极思考 (Learn to think positively)

Yes, I do know this topic is a bit “cliche” but, believe me, this is extremely important. Having a positive attitude every day will make a huge difference in your life.

是的,我知道这个话题有点“陈词滥调”,但是,相信我,这非常重要。 每天保持积极的态度将极大地改变您的生活。

Optimists seem to have different ways of dealing with the world that set them apart from the average.


  1. First, they keep their minds on what they want and keep looking for ways to get it. They are clear about goals and they are confident that they will accomplish them, sooner or later.

    首先,他们将思想放在想要的东西上,并一直在寻找获得它的方法。 他们对目标很清楚,并且有信心迟早会实现目标。

  2. Second, optimists look for the good in every problem or difficulty. When things go wrong, as they often do, they don’t think the world is against them. They put their heads to work and make the best out of the situation.

    其次,乐观主义者会在每个问题或困难中寻求好处。 当事情出错时,就像他们经常做的那样,他们不认为世界在与他们对立。 他们竭尽全力,尽最大努力。

I advise you to dig a bit more on this topic because it will make a huge difference in your life.


“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” — WINSTON CHURCHILL

悲观主义者认为每一个机会都有困难。 乐观主义者会在各种困难中看到机会。” – 温斯顿·丘吉尔

找到你的“为什么” (Find your “why”)

This is probably the most important thing if you want to reach your goal. You should have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. This “journey” takes lots of commitment and sacrifices. It’s easy to forget what you are fighting for if your “why” is not worth fighting for in the first place.

如果您想实现自己的目标,这可能是最重要的事情。 您应该对要实现的目标有清晰的认识。 这个“旅程”需要大量的承诺和牺牲。 如果您的“为什么”一开始就不值得为之奋斗,就很容易忘记自己为之奋斗的目标。

Be it for a better salary, to improve your life or the life of others, it has to be something that pulls you with immense force. Something that will give you strength in the hard moments. And believe me, this path is full of those.

无论是为了获得更高的薪水,改善您的生活还是改善他人的生活,它都必须具有极大的吸引力。 在艰难的时刻,可以给您力量的东西。 相信我,这条路充满了这些。

In my case, I messed up in this part. My “why” was not clear enough and if it wasn’t for my good friend Eduardo Vedes, I would have probably quit and missed this awesome opportunity in life. Sometimes the obstacles lying ahead are just too hard. Find a good “why” (or a good friend that pull’s you up in times of need).

就我而言,我把这部分弄糟了。 我的“原因”还不够清楚,如果不是我的好朋友爱德华多·韦德斯(Eduardo Vedes),我可能会辞职并错过这个人生中的绝妙机会。 有时前方的障碍太难了。 找到一个好的“为什么”(或者一个在需要的时候帮助您的好朋友)。

“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” — STEVE JOBS

“如果您从事的是您真正关心的事情,则不必费劲。 愿景吸引了您。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

如果每个人都认为您疯了,那您就走对了! (If everybody thinks you’re crazy, you’re on the right track!)

It’s inevitable. When you are trying something bold enough, everybody close to you will think you have lost your mind. Be ready for this because it will happen.

这是不可避免的。 当您尝试足够大胆的尝试时,亲近的每个人都会认为您已经失去了理智。 为此做好准备,因为它会发生。

In my case, I lost the support of most of the people around me. I still remember my parent’s reaction when I told them I was quitting my job:

就我而言,我失去了周围大多数人的支持。 我仍然记得我父母告诉我我要辞职时的React:

“You have studied all your life for this. You are leaving a well-paid job, in a solid company, to pursue a dream? Think about your kids! How can you think this will ever work?”

“您为此一生都在研究。 您要离开一家坚实的公司从事高薪工作,追求梦想吗? 想想你的孩子! 您怎么认为这行得通?”

Don’t be harsh on them, they still love you and want the best for you. Common people will always play it safe. But do realize you are now entering a different dimension. You no longer see the world as common people do. Don’t let others put you off track. Just because they haven’t made it, doesn’t mean you can’t.

不要对他们苛刻,他们仍然爱你,想要最好的给你。 老百姓将永远放心。 但是请务必意识到您现在正在进入一个不同的维度。 您不再像普通人那样看到世界。 不要让别人偏离你的轨道。 仅仅因为他们还没有做到,并不意味着你做不到。

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things — they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs

“这是疯狂的。 不称职的人,叛乱者,制造麻烦的人,方Kong中的圆形钉子,对事物看法不同的人。 他们不喜欢规则,也不尊重现状。 您可以引用它们,不同意它们,美化或侮辱它们。 关于您唯一不能做的就是忽略它们。 因为他们改变了事物-他们推动了人类的前进。 尽管有些人可能将它们视为疯狂的人,但我们却看到了天才。 因为那些疯狂到认为自己可以改变世界的人们才是做到这一点的人 。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

书籍是您寻求的指导 (Books are the guidance you seek)

Imagine you had some kind of device, that allowed you to speak intimately with the most accomplished personalities that have ever lived. They could become your mentors and teach you all they have learned. So much wisdom they had accumulated in their lives, all at your reach. How cool would that be? That device exists. It is called a book.

想象一下,您拥有某种设备,可以与曾经生活过的最杰出的人物进行亲密交谈。 他们可以成为您的导师,并教给您所有他们学到的知识。 他们在生活中积累了如此多的智慧,一切触手可及。 那有多酷? 该设备存在。 它被称为书。

If I could only give you one piece of advice, I would say get into books. This was what made me non-complacent with the course of my life and empowered me to start pushing the boundaries.

如果我只能给您一个建议,我会说成书。 这就是让我对生活一无所知的能力,使我有能力开始超越极限。

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — SIR ISAAC NEWTON

“如果我看得更远,那就是站在巨人的肩膀上。” —艾萨克·牛顿爵士

建立您的安全网 (Build your safety net)

Yes, I do know I am incentivizing you to start doing some crazy stuff. If you don’t have anything to lose, go ahead and take off to the stars. But for the rest of us is not that simple.

是的,我知道我正在激励您开始做一些疯狂的事情。 如果您没有任何损失,请继续前进并升上星空。 但是对于我们其他人来说,并不是那么简单。

In my case, with a family to support, there’s a lot you have to take into consideration. You will have to come up with a good plan, and a better backup plan. Be smart about this and be prepared to improvise because things never go as planned. Don’t rush on the “quit your job” part. You can still improve yourself in your free time and keep that wage at the end of the month. I’ve quit my job five months ahead of time. Good thing I had my “safety net” in place.

就我而言,要有家人支持,您需要考虑很多因素。 您将不得不提出一个好的计划和更好的备份计划。 对此要保持聪明,并准备即兴创作,因为事情永远不会按计划进行。 不要急于“辞职”部分。 您仍然可以在空闲时间改善自己,并在月底保留该工资。 我已经提前五个月辞职了。 好东西我有我的“安全网”。

每个人都从小处着手,但保持小处是一种选择! (Everyone starts small but staying small is an option!)

When you are starting, commitment and resilience are way more important than skill. You will develop your skills along the way. It’s your attitude that really matters.

当您开始时,承诺和韧性比技能更重要。 您将在此过程中发展自己的技能。 真正重要的是你的态度。

You don’t have to be bright or super intelligent to accomplish great things. You are more capable than you can imagine, you just haven’t realized your full potential yet.

您不必聪明才智就能完成伟大的事情。 您的能力超出了您的想象,只是您还没有意识到自己的全部潜力。

It’s normal to doubt yourself at first, just don’t let that stop you from starting your own journey, to become the person you want to be.


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” — LAOZI

“千里之行始于一步” –老子

结束思想 (Ending thoughts)

This article turned out totally different from what I had envisioned. I wanted to write about my experience learning to code so that I could inspire others to become developers (since this is an emerging field with lots of opportunities).

这篇文章与我所设想的完全不同。 我想写自己的学习代码经验,以便激发他人成为开发人员的经验(因为这是一个新兴的领域,机会很多)。

But, soon I realized that it’s hard to learn how to code. It’s probably the hardest thing I’ve accomplished so far and the problem isn’t the code itself.

但是,不久我就意识到,很难学习编码。 到目前为止,这可能是我完成的最困难的事情,问题不在于代码本身。

The problem is that we are so used to being in our comfort zones that when we face a challenge like this, we get frustrated and often quit too soon because we get so uncomfortable that we think we will never make it. We start thinking that this isn’t for us and that we have to be gifted to make it work.

问题是,我们已经习惯于处于舒适区,以至于当我们面对这样的挑战时,我们会感到沮丧,并且常常因为太不舒服而辞职,因为我们变得如此不舒服,以至于我们认为自己永远也做不到。 我们开始认为这不适合我们,我们必须有才能使其发挥作用。

In this article, I did my best to show you that we are all gifted and that if we endure the initial pain, we will make it. And the best part is that you will not only be able to learn how to code, but you will feel that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.

在本文中,我竭尽所能向您展示我们都很有才华,如果我们忍受最初的痛苦,我们一定会成功。 最棒的是,您不仅能够学习编码,而且会感觉到可以实现您所想的任何事情。

I hope I’ve empowered you to get out there and start facing those challenges, to build your future one day at a time. Keep pushing yourself forward and someday, the world may become a better place because of you.

我希望我已授权您走到那里,开始面对这些挑战,一次创造您的未来。 不断向前迈进,有一天,世界会因为您而变得更加美好。

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars. — LES BROWN

拍摄月亮。 即使您错过它,您也将落在星空之中。 —布朗

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/it-is-never-too-late-to-be-who-you-might-have-been-becoming-a-developer-at-age-36-7d186ad5702/
