【RDMA】mellanox RDMA网卡驱动安装和查看状态


1. 基础知识


2. 驱动安装


4. 性能测试

5. 其他问题

RDMA 、InfiniBand、IB卡、IB驱动的关系


2. 驱动安装

  1. 下载驱动,进入网站选择相应系统和软件版本,archive versions这里可以下载旧版本驱动

    NVIDIA Mellanox InfiniBand and VPI Software | NVIDIA



  2. 挂载或解压,如果下载的iso则挂载,若是tgz就解压,下面是挂载命令:

    sudo  mount -o ro,loop  MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.0-  /mnt

  3. 安装

    cd /mnt sudo ./mlnxofedinstall



如果是非社区的定制系统(可能同不过脚本的判断,报错系统为不支持的系统,则需要加一些参数),例如公司的定制系统是基于centos9/redahat9,则可以加–distro rhel9.0 

./mlnxofedinstall –distro rhel9.0 




cat .supported_kernels   列出包支持的内核版本

uname -r    显示本机内核版本

如果本机内核版本不在支持的内核列表里面,则加–add-kernel-support 参数让它重新根据当前的内核编译出包并安装

./mlnxofedinstall –add-kernel-support   


./mlnxofedinstall –add-kernel-support –distro rhel9.0 –with-nvmf –with-nfsrdma   


–skip-distro-check 让执行脚本不去检查当前OS的发布版本号(如redhat7.5)

–without-fw-update 参数是不更新FW

更多的参数可以./mlnxofedinstall -h 查看。


./mlnx_add_kernel_support.sh -m /opt/mellanox/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.0- –make-tgz -t /tmp/



其中-m后参数为原始驱动包文件夹路径,-t后参数为存放重新编译打包后的文件夹,–make-tgz表示已tgz压缩包方式打包,–skip-repo 不检查OS的发布版本进行编译)

  1. 安装成功截图:

  2. 执行以下命令:

    sudo /etc/init.d/openibd restart sudo /etc/init.d/opensmd restart

  3. 查看网卡状态:

    sudo hca_self_test.ofed

    没有 failed 就对了。


    ibstat ibstatus ibv_devinfo ibv_devices #查看本主机的infiniband设备 ibnodes #查看网络中的infiniband设备



4. 性能测试

  1. 服务端运行:

    ib_send_bw -a -c UD -d mlx4_0 -i 1

    注意,参数 -i 指定端口,在一个网卡有多个网口的时候,需要指定测试的端口,具体哪个端口,通过 ibstatus 可以看到。

  2. 客户端运行:

    ib_send_bw -a -c UD -d mlx4_0 -i 1


    1. 其他测试项


其他测试工具说明:Mellanox Interconnect Community


5. 其他问题


有些网卡,当你安装好驱动后,通过 ibstatus 命令,会出现下面的情况:

可以看到,该网卡现在处于 Ethernet 的工作模式,如果想要切换成infiniband模式,参考如下链接:

Mellanox Interconnect Community


sudo /sbin/connectx_port_config -s


sudo /sbin/connectx_port_config


sudo /sbin/connectx_port_config -s

不能切换到infiniband工作模式,并不代表不支持RDMA,处于Ethernet模式的网卡使用 RoCE 协议工作。

RDMA 协议:底层可以是以太网( RoCE 或者 iWARP )或者 Infiniband


Mellanox Interconnect Community

RDMA 、InfiniBand、IB卡、IB驱动的关系

1、RDMA 是一种技术(远程直接内存访问技术),如何实现这种技术呢?

2、实现这种技术你可以选择用 Infiniband 协议。(当然你也可以使用其他协议,eg:roce、iwarp)

3、如果你使用 Infiniband 协议,这个协议作为一个新一代网络协议。它必须依靠专门的硬件才能实现。eg:专用INC(网卡)—— IB卡,或者专用交换机。

4、当你在服务器上安装了IB卡之后,你还得安装 IB驱动,才能使用 infiniband 。





[root@power27 docs]# /etc/init.d/openibd status

  HCA driver loaded

Configured IPoIB devices:

Currently active IPoIB devices:
Configured Mellanox EN devices:

Currently active Mellanox devices:

The following OFED modules are loaded:


HCA即支持RDMA的网卡,driver loaded表示驱动已加载。

LINUX 查看安装的网卡

lspci | grep -i eth



ibv_devinfo 和 ibstat 命令输出信息稍有不同(比如端口 MTU 信息是在 ibv_devinfo 而不是 ibstat 输出中显示,而端口 PUID 信息是在 ibstat 而不是 ibv_devinfo 输出中显示。同时有些信息的命名方式也不同,例如:ibstat 输出中的基础本地标识符(LID)与 ibv_devinfo 输出中的 port_lid 是相同的信息。



[root@power27 docs]# ibv_devices
    device                 node GUID
    ——              —————-
    mlx4_0              e41d2d030050e830


ibv_devinfo      输出主要信息

ibv_devinfo  -v 输出详细信息

ibv_devinfo -d  mlx4_0     输出指定设备的主要信息

ibv_devinfo -d  mlx4_0 -v 输出指定设备的详细信息
  -d, –ib-dev=<dev>     use IB device <dev> (default first device found)
  -i, –ib-port=<port>   use port <port> of IB device (default all ports)
  -l, –list             print only the IB devices names
  -v, –verbose          print all the attributes of the IB device(s)


[root@power27 docs]# ibv_devinfo -d mlx4_0
hca_id: mlx4_0
        transport:                      InfiniBand (0)
        fw_ver:                         2.42.5000
        node_guid:                      e41d:2d03:0050:e830
        sys_image_guid:                 e41d:2d03:0050:e833
        vendor_id:                      0x02c9
        vendor_part_id:                 4099
        hw_ver:                         0x1
        board_id:                       MT_1100120019
        phys_port_cnt:                  1
        Device ports:
                port:   1
                        state:                  PORT_ACTIVE (4)
                        max_mtu:                4096 (5)
                        active_mtu:             4096 (5)
                        sm_lid:                 1
                        port_lid:               12
                        port_lmc:               0x00
                        link_layer:             InfiniBand


 查看加载了哪些模块 lsmod



[root@node24 ~]# ibstatCA 'mlx4_0'	CA type: MT4099Number of ports: 1Firmware version: 2.30.3000Hardware version: 0Node GUID: 0x46d2c92000004820System image GUID: 0x46d2c92000004823Port 1:State: ActivePhysical state: LinkUpRate: 56Base lid: 72LMC: 0SM lid: 49Capability mask: 0x02514868Port GUID: 0x46d2c92000004821Link layer: InfiniBand[root@node25 ~]# ibstatCA 'mlx4_0'	CA type: MT4099Number of ports: 1Firmware version: 2.30.3000Hardware version: 0Node GUID: 0x46d2c92000003500System image GUID: 0x46d2c92000003503Port 1:State: ActivePhysical state: LinkUpRate: 56Base lid: 53LMC: 0SM lid: 49Capability mask: 0x0251486aPort GUID: 0x46d2c92000003501Link layer: InfiniBand




ceph 的RDMA 连接 RDMAConnectedSocketImpl::activate()  失败。 dmesg 查看到:

402303.425662] QAT: Device not yet ready.
[402318.101625] QAT: Device not yet ready.
[402336.462612] QAT: Device not yet ready.
[402367.537465] QAT: Device not yet ready.
[402393.717441] QAT: Device not yet ready.
[402426.970661] QAT: Device not yet ready.
[402457.179681] QAT: Device not yet ready. 

猜测:osd open dvice之后,虽然TCP 建立连接正常读写了,但是rdma的device还没有ready好。

所以TCP的infiniband->recv_msg(cct, tcp_fd, peer_msg);可以正常读,走过,然后到activate()

RDMA 没有准备好。

void RDMAConnectedSocketImpl::handle_connection() {
  int r = infiniband->recv_msg(cct, tcp_fd, peer_msg);
    if (!connected) {
      r = activate();



关于Mellanox mlx5 ethtool计数器

(摘自:关于Mellanox mlx5 ethtool计数器 – https://www.houzhibo.com/archives/1373)

在处理一个业务网卡丢包的问题,监控查看丢包源是在机器进方向丢包的,通过ethtool查看计数器的值和ifconfig的dropped值哪个是一样的(也可以相近的毕竟也有个别其他情况丢的包,比如crc等。),判断丢包类型,通过rx_out_of_buffer计数器确认丢包类型,表面意思看起来和buffer有关系,但不确定具体的解释,通过网上搜索,确认这个计数器的解释,最终通过修改ring buffer降低了业务的丢包率。修改方法比较简单,如下:


ethtool -g eth0
Ring parameters for eth0:
Pre-set maximums:
RX: 8192
RX Mini: 0
RX Jumbo: 0
TX: 8192
Current hardware settings:
RX: 8192
RX Mini: 0
RX Jumbo: 0
TX: 8192


ethtool -G eth0 rx 8192

ethtool -G eth0 tx 8192

ethtool -g eth0
Ring parameters for eth0:
Pre-set maximums:
RX: 8192
RX Mini: 0
RX Jumbo: 0
TX: 8192
Current hardware settings:
RX: 8192
RX Mini: 0
RX Jumbo: 0
TX: 8192





由于所搜的历程比较麻烦,所以做个记录分享下,Mellanox mlx5 ethtool计数器的解释,摘自Mellanox 官网。原链接:MyMellanoxGen2

Understanding mlx5 ethtool Counters


This post shows the list of ethtool counters applicable for ConnectX-4 and above (mlx5 driver). All counters listed here are available via ethtool starting with MLNX_OFED 4.0.

Note: The post also provides a reference to ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro counters that co-exist for the mlx4 driver (see notes below).

  • References
    • Release Notes
  • Counters Overview
    • Counter Groups
    • Counter Types
    • Acceleration Mechanism
  • Counters Description
    • Ring / Software Port Counters
      • Ring / Software Port Counter Table
    • vPort Counters
      • vPort Counter Table
    • Physical Port Counters
      • Physical Port Counter Table
    • Priority Port Counters
      • Priority Port Counter Table
    • Device Counters
    • Full List of Counters


  • MLNX_OFED User Manual
  • Netstat tool

Release Notes

This document was updated to match Linux kernel 4.20

Counters Overview

There are several counter groups, depends where the counter is being counted. In addition, each group of counters may have different counter types.

Counter Groups

  • Ring – software ring counters
  • Software Port – An aggregation of software ring counters.
  • vPort counters – traffic counters and drops due to steering or no buffers. May indicate on NIC issues. These counters include Ethernet traffic counters (including Raw Ethernet) and RDMA/RoCE traffic counters.
  • Physical port counters – the physical port connecting NIC to the network. May indicate on NIC issues or link or network issue. This measuring point holds information on standardized counters like IEEE 802.3, RFC2863, RFC 2819, RFC 3635 and additional counters like flow control, FEC and more. Physical port counters are not exposed to virtual machines.
  • Priority Port Counters – A set of the physical port counters, per priory per port.

Counter Types

Counters are divided to three Types

  • Traffic Informative Counters – counters which counts traffic. These counters can be used for load estimation of for general debug.
  • Traffic Acceleration Counters – counters which counts traffic which was accelerated by Mellanox driver or by hardware. The counters are an additional layer to the informative counter set and the same traffic is counted in both informative and acceleration counters. Acceleration counters are marked with [A].
  • Error Counters – Increment of these counters might indicate a problem. Each of these counter has an explanation and correction action.

Statistic can be fetched via the ip link or ethtool commands. ethtool provides more detailed information.

ip –s link show <if-name>

ethtool -S <if-name>

Acceleration Mechanism

The following acceleration mechanisms have dedicated counters:

  • TSO (TCP Segmentation Offload) – increasing outbound throughput and reducing CPU utilization by allowing the kernel to buffer multiple packets in a single large buffer. The NIC split the buffer into packet and transmits it
  • LRO (Large Receive Offload) – increasing inbound throughput and reducing CPU utilization by aggregation of o multiple incoming packet of a single stream to a single buffer
  • CHECKSUM (Checksum) – calculation of TCP checksum (by the NIC). The following CSUM offload are available (refer to skbuff.h for detailed explanation)
    • CHECKSUM_NONE – no CSUM acceleration was used
    • CHECKSUM_COMPLETE – Device provided CSUM on the entire packet
    • CHECKSUM_PARTIAL – Device provided CSUM
  • CQE Compress – compression of Completion Queue Events (CQE) used for sparing bandwidth on PCIe and hence achieve better performance.

Counters Description

Ring / Software Port Counters

The following counters are available per ring or Software port.

These counters provide information on the amount of traffic that was accelerated by the NIC. The counters are counting the accelerated traffic in addition to the standard counters which counts it (i.e. accelerated traffic is counted twice).

The counter names in the table below refers to both ring and port counters. the notation for ring counters includes the [i] index without the braces. the notation for port counters doesn’t include the [i]. a counter name rx[i]_packets will be printed as rx0_packets for ring 0 and rx_packets for the software port

Ring / Software Port Counter Table

Counter Description Type
rx[i]_packets The number of packets received on ring i.ConnectX-3 naming : rx[i]_packets Informative
rx[i]_bytes The number of bytes received on ring i.ConnectX-3 naming : rx[i]_bytes Informative
tx[i]_packets The number of packets transmitted on ring i.ConnectX-3 naming : tx[i]_packets Informative
tx[i]_bytes The number of bytes transmitted on ring i.ConnectX-3 naming : tx[i]_bytes Informative
tx[i]_tso_packets The number of TSO packets transmitted on ring i [A]. Acceleration
tx[i]_tso_bytes The number of TSO bytes transmitted on ring i [A]. Acceleration
tx[i]_tso_inner_packets The number of TSO packets which are indicated to be carry internal encapsulation transmitted on ring i [A] Acceleration
tx[i]_tso_inner_bytes The number of TSO bytes which are indicated to be carry internal encapsulation transmitted on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_lro_packets The number of LRO packets received on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_lro_bytes The number of LRO bytes received on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_csum_unnecessary Packets received with a CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_csum_none Packets received with CHECKSUM_NONE on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_csum_complete Packets received with a CHECKSUM_COMPLETE on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_csum_unnecessary_inner Packets received with inner encapsulation with a CHECK_SUM UNNECESSARY on ring i [A]. Acceleration
tx[i]_csum_partial Packets transmitted with a CHECKSUM_PARTIAL on ring i [A]. Acceleration
tx[i]_csum_partial_inner Packets transmitted with inner encapsulation with a CHECKSUM_PARTIAL on ring i [A]. Acceleration
tx[i]_csum_none Packets transmitted with no hardware checksum acceleration on ring i. Informative
tx[i]_stoppedtx_queue_stopped (1) Events where SQ was full on ring i. If this counter is increased, check the amount of buffers allocated for transmission. Error
tx[i]_waketx_queue_wake (1) Events where SQ was full and has become not full on ring i. Error
tx[i]_droppedtx_queue_dropped (1) Packets transmitted that were dropped due to DMA mapping failure on ring i. If this counter is increased, check the amount of buffers allocated for transmission. Error
rx[i]_wqe_err The number of wrong opcodes received on ring i. Error
tx[i]_nop The number of no WQEs (empty WQEs) inserted to the SQ (related to ring i) due to the reach of the end of the cyclic buffer. When reaching near to the end of cyclic buffer the driver may add those empty WQEs to avoid handling a state the a WQE start in the end of the queue and ends in the beginning of the queue. This is a normal condition. Informative
rx[i]_mpwqe_frag The number of WQEs that failed to allocate compound page and hence fragmented MPWQE’s (Multi Packet WQEs) were used on ring i. If this counter raise, it may suggest that there is no enough memory for large pages, the driver allocated fragmented pages. This is not abnormal condition. Informative
rx[i]_mpwqe_filler_cqes The number of filler CQEs events that where issued on ring i.berfore kernel 4.19 name was rx[i]_mpwqe_filler Informative
rx[i]_cqe_compress_blks The number of receive blocks with CQE compression on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_cqe_compress_pkts The number of receive packets with CQE compression on ring i [A]. Acceleration
rx[i]_cache_reuse The number of events of successful reuse of a page from a driver’s internal page cache – supported from Kernel 4.9 Acceleration
rx[i]_cache_full The number of events of full internal page cache where driver can’t put a page back to the cache for recycling (page will be freed) – supported from Kernel 4.9 Acceleration
rx[i]_cache_empty The number of events where cache was empty – no page to give. driver shall allocate new page – supported from Kernel 4.9 Acceleration
rx[i]_cache_busy The number of events where cache head was busy and cannot be recycled. driver allocated new page – supported from Kernel 4.9 Acceleration
rx[i]_xmit_more The number of packets sent with xmit_more indication set on the skbuff (no doorbell) – Supported from kernel 4.8 Acceleration
tx[i]_cqes The number of completions received on the CQ of TX ring. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
ch[i]_poll The number of invocations of NAPI poll of channel. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
ch[i]_arm The number of times the NAPI poll function completed and armed the completion queues on channelSupported from kernel 4.19 Informative
ch[i]_aff_change The number of times the NAPI poll function explicitly stopped execution on a CPU due to a change in affinity, on channel. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
rx[i]_congst_umr The number of times an outstanding UMR request is delayed due to congestion, on ringSupported from kernel 4.19 Error
ch[i]_events The number of hard interrupt events on the completion queues of channel. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
rx[i]_mpwqe_filler_strides The number of strides consumed by filler CQEs on ring. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
rx[i]_xdp_tx_xmit The number of packets forwarded back to the port due to XDP program XDP_TX action (bouncing). these packets are not counted by other software counters. These packets are counted by physical port and vPort counters – supported from kernel 4.9Before kernel 4.19 name was rx[i]_xdp_tx Informative
rx[i]_xdp_tx_full The number of packets that should have been forwarded back to the port due to XDP_TX action but were dropped due to full tx queue. these packets are not counted by other software counters. These packets are counted by physical port and vPort countersyou may open more rx queues and spread traffic rx over all queues and/or increase rx ring sizesupported from kernel 4.9 Error
rx[i]_xdp_tx_err The number of times an XDP_TX error such as frame too long and frame too short occurred on XDP_TX ring of RX ring. Supported from kernel 4.19 Error
rx[i]_xdp_tx_cqesrx_xdp_tx_cqe (1) The number of completions received on the CQ of the XDP-TX ring. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
rx[i]_xdp_drop The number of packets dropped due to XDP program XDP_DROP action. these packets are not counted by other software counters. These packets are counted by physical port and vPort counters – supported from kernel 4.9 Informative
rx[i]_xdp_redirect The number of times an XDP redirect action was triggered on ring. .Supported from kernel 4.19 Acceleration
tx[i]_xdp_xmit The number of packets redirected to the interface(due to XDP redirect). These packets are not counted by other software counters. These packets are counted by physical port and vPort counters – Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
tx[i]_xdp_full The number of packets redirected to the interface(due to XDP redirect), but were dropped due to full tx queue. these packets are not counted by other software counters. you may enlarge tx queues. Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
tx[i]_xdp_err The number of packets redirected to the interface(due to XDP redirect) but were dropped due to error such as frame too long and frame too short . Supported from kernel 4.19 Error
tx[i]_xdp_cqes The number of completions received for packets redirected to the interface(due to XDP redirect) on the CQ . Supported from kernel 4.19 Informative
rx[i]_cache_waive The number of cache evacuation. This can occur due to page move to another NUMA node or page was pfmemalloc-ed and should be freed as soon as possible. Supported from kernel 4.14 Acceleration


(1) The corresponding ring and global counters do not share the same name (i.e. do not follow the common naming scheme).

vPort Counters

Counters on the eswitch port that is connected to the VNIC.

vPort Counter Table

Counter Description Type
rx_vport_unicast_packets Unicast packets received, steered to a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
rx_vport_unicast_bytes Unicast bytes received, steered to a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
tx_vport_unicast_packets Unicast packets transmitted, steered from a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
tx_vport_unicast_bytes Unicast bytes transmitted, steered from a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
rx_vport_multicast_packets Multicast packets received, steered to a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
rx_vport_multicast_bytes Multicast bytes received, steered to a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
tx_vport_multicast_packets Multicast packets transmitted, steered from a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
tx_vport_multicast_bytes Multicast bytes transmitted, steered from a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
rx_vport_broadcast_packets Broadcast packets received, steered to a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
rx_vport_broadcast_bytes Broadcast bytes received, steered to a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
tx_vport_broadcast_packets Broadcast packets transmitted, steered from a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
tx_vport_broadcast_bytes Broadcast packets transmitted, steered from a port including Raw Ethernet QP/DPDK traffic, excluding RDMA traffic Informative
rx_vport_rdma_unicast_packets RDMA unicast packets received, steered to a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
rx_vport_rdma_unicast_bytes RDMA unicast bytes received, steered to a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
tx_vport_rdma_unicast_packets RDMA unicast packets transmitted, steered from a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
tx_vport_rdma_unicast_bytes RDMA unicast bytes transmitted, steered from a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
rx_vport_ rdma _multicast_packets RDMA multicast packets received, steered to a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
rx_vport_ rdma _multicast_bytes RDMA multicast bytes received, steered to a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
tx_vport_ rdma _multicast_packets RDMA multicast packets transmitted, steered from a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
tx_vport_ rdma _multicast_bytes RDMA multicast bytes transmitted, steered from a port (counters counts RoCE/UD/RC traffic) [A] Acceleration
rx_steer_missed_packets Number of packets that was received by the NIC, however was discarded because it did not match any flow in the NIC flow table. supported from kernel 4.16 Error
rx_packets Representor only: packets received, that were handled by the hypervisor. supported from kernel 4.18 Informative
rx_bytes Representor only: bytes received, that were handled by the hypervisor. supported from kernel 4.18 Informative
tx_packets Representor  only: packets transmitted, that were handled by the hypervisor. supported from kernel 4.18 Informative
tx_bytes Representor  only: bytes transmitted, that were handled by the hypervisor. supported from kernel 4.18 Informative

Physical Port Counters

The physical port counters are the counters on the external port connecting adapter to the network. This measuring point holds information on standardized counters like IEEE 802.3, RFC2863, RFC 2819, RFC 3635 and additional counters like flow control, FEC and more.

Physical Port Counter Table

Counter Description Type
rx_packets_phy The number of packets received on the physical port. This counter doesn’t include packets that were discarded due to FCS, frame size and similar errors.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_packets Informative
tx_packets_phy The number of packets transmitted on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : tx_packets Informative
rx_bytes_phy The number of bytes received on the physical port, including Ethernet header and FCS.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_bytes Informative
tx_bytes_phy The number of bytes transmitted on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : tx_bytes Informative
rx_multicast_phy The number of multicast packets received on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_multicast_packets Informative
tx_multicast_phy The number of multicast packets transmitted on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : tx_multicast_packets Informative
rx_broadcast_phy The number of broadcast packets received on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_broadcast_packets Informative
tx_broadcast_phy The number of broadcast packets transmitted on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : tx_broadcast_packets Informative
rx_crc_errors_phy The number of dropped received packets due to FCS (Frame Check Sequence) error on the physical port. If this counter is increased in high rate, check the link quality using rx_symbol_error_phy and rx_corrected_bits_phy counters below.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_crc_errors Error
rx_in_range_len_errors_phy The number of received packets dropped due to length/type errors on a physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_in_range_length_error Error
rx_out_of_range_len_phy The number of received packets dropped due to length greater than allowed on a physical port.If this counter is increasing, it implies that the peer connected to the adapter has a larger MTU configured. Using same MTU configuration shall resolve this issue.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_out_range_length_error Error
rx_oversize_pkts_phy The number of dropped received packets due to length which exceed MTU size on a physical portIf this counter is increasing, it implies that the peer connected to the adapter has a larger MTU configured. Using same MTU configuration shall resolve this issue.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_frame_errors Error
rx_symbol_err_phy The number of received packets dropped due to physical coding errors (symbol errors) on a physical port. Error
rx_mac_control_phy The number of MAC control packets received on the physical port. Informative
tx_mac_control_phy The number of MAC control packets transmitted on the physical port. Informative
rx_pause_ctrl_phy The number of link layer pause packets received on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the network is congested and cannot absorb the traffic coming from to the adapter. Informative
tx_pause_ctrl_phy The number of link layer pause packets transmitted on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the NIC is congested and cannot absorb the traffic coming from the network. Informative
rx_unsupported_op_phy The number of MAC control packets received with unsupported opcode on a physical port. Error
rx_discards_phy The number of received packets dropped due to lack of buffers on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the adapter is congested and cannot absorb the traffic coming from the network.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_fifo_errors Error
tx_discards_phy  The number of packets which were discarded on transmission, even no errors were detected. the drop might occur due to link in down state, head of line drop, pause from the network, etc Error 
tx_errors_phy The number of transmitted packets dropped due to a length which exceed MTU size on a physical port. Error
rx_undersize_pkts_phy The number of received packets dropped due to length which is shorter than 64 bytes on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the peer connected to the adapter has a non-standard MTU configured or malformed packet had arrived. Error
rx_fragments_phy The number of received packets dropped due to a length which is shorter than 64 bytes and has FCS error on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the peer connected to the adapter has a non-standard MTU configured. Error
rx_jabbers_phy The number of received packets d due to a length which is longer than 64 bytes and had FCS error on a physical port. Error
rx_64_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 64 bytes. Informative
rx_65_to_127_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 65 to 127 bytes. Informative
rx_128_to_255_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 128 to 255 bytes. Informative
rx_256_to_511_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 256 to 512 bytes. Informative
rx_512_to_1023_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 512 to 1023 bytes. Informative
rx_1024_to_1518_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 1024 to 1518 bytes. Informative
rx_1519_to_2047_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 1519 to 2047 bytes. Informative
rx_2048_to_4095_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 2048 to 4095 bytes. Informative
rx_4096_to_8191_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 4096 to 8191 bytes. Informative
rx_8192_to_10239_bytes_phy The number of packets received on the physical port with size of 8192 to 10239 bytes. Informative
link_down_events_phy The number of times where the link operative state changed to down. In case this counter is increasing it may imply on port flapping. You may need to replace the cable/transceiver. Error
rx_out_of_buffer Number of times receive queue had no software buffers allocated for the adapter’s incoming traffic. Error
module_bus_stuck The number of times that module’s I2C bus (data or clock) short-wire was detected. You may need to replace the cable/transceiver – supported from kernel 4.10 Error
module_high_temp The number of times that the module temperature was too high. If this issue persist, you may need to check the ambient temperature or replace the cable/transceiver module – supported from kernel 4.10 Error
module_bad_shorted The number of times that the module cables were shorted. You may need to replace the cable/transceiver module – supported from kernel 4.10 Error
module_unplug The number of times that module was ejected – supported from kernel 4.10 Informative
rx_buffer_passed_thres_phy The number of events where the port receive buffer was over 85% full. Supported from kernel 4.14 Informative
tx_pause_storm_warning_events The number of times the device was sending pauses for a long period of time – supported from kernel 4.15 Informative
tx_pause_storm_error_events The number of times the device was sending pauses for a long period of time, reaching time out and disabling transmission of pause frames. on the period where pause frames were disabled, drop could have been occurred – supported from kernel 4.15 Error
rx[i]_buff_alloc_err / rx_buff_alloc_err Failed to allocate a buffer to received packet (or SKB) on port (or per ring) Error
rx_bits_phy This counter provides information on the total amount of traffic that could have been received and can be used as a guideline to measure the ratio of errored traffic in rx_pcs_symbol_err_phyrx_corrected_bits_phy. Informative
rx_pcs_symbol_err_phy This counter counts the number of symbol errors that wasn’t corrected by FEC correction algorithm or that FEC algorithm was not active on this interface. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the link between the NIC and the network is suffering from high BER, and that traffic is lost. You may need to replace the cable/transceiver. The error rate is the number of rx_pcs_symbol_err_phy divided by the number of rx_phy_bits on a specific time frame. Error
rx_corrected_bits_phy The number of corrected bits on this port according to active FEC (RS/FC). If this counter is increasing, it implies that the link between the NIC and the network is suffering from high BER. The corrected bit rate is the number of rx_corrected_bits_phy divided by the number of rx_phy_bits on a specific time frame Error
phy_raw_errors_lane[l] This counter counts the number of physical raw errors per lane [l] index. The counter counts errors before FEC corrections. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the link between the NIC and the network is suffering from high BER, and that traffic might be lost. You may need to replace the cable/transceiver. Please check in accordance with rx_corrected_bits_phy.
Supported from kernel 4.20

Priority Port Counters

The following counters are physical port counters that being counted per L2 priority (0-7).

Note: ‘p’ in the counter name represents the priority.

Priority Port Counter Table

Counter Description Type
rx_prio[p]_bytes The number of bytes received with priority p on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming :rx_prio_[p]_bytes. this counter also counts packets with no vlan Informative
rx_prio[p]_packets The number of packets received with priority p on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : rx_prio_[p]_packets. this counter also counts packets with no vlan Informative
tx_prio[p]_bytes The number of bytes transmitted on priority p on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming :tx_prio_[p]_bytes. Informative
tx_prio[p]_packets The number of packets transmitted on priority p on the physical port.ConnectX-3 naming : tx_prio_[p]_packets. Informative
rx_prio[p]_pause The number of pause packets received with priority p on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the network is congested and cannot absorb the traffic coming from the adapter.Note: This counter is available only if PFC was enabled on priority p. Refer to HowTo Configure PFC on ConnectX-4 .ConnectX-3 naming : rx_pause_prio_p Informative
rx_prio[p]_pause_duration The duration of pause received (in microSec) on priority p on the physical port. The counter represents the time the port did not send any traffic on this priority. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the network is congested and cannot absorb the traffic coming from the adapter.Note: This counter is available only if PFC was enabled on priority p. Refer to HowTo Configure PFC on ConnectX-4 .ConnectX-3 naming : rx_pause_duration_prio_p Informative
rx_prio[p]_pause_transition The number of times a transition from Xoff to Xon on priority p on the physical port has occurred.Note: This counter is available only if PFC was enabled on priority p. Refer to HowTo Configure PFC on ConnectX-4 .ConnectX-3 naming : rx_pause_transition_prio_p Informative
tx_prio[p]_pause The number of pause packets transmitted on priority p on a physical port. If this counter is increasing, it implies that the adapter is congested and cannot absorb the traffic coming from the network.Note: This counter is available only if PFC was enabled on priority p. Refer to HowTo Configure PFC on ConnectX-4 .ConnectX-3 naming : tx_pause_prio_p Informative
tx_prio[p]_pause_duration The duration of pause transmitter (in microSec) on priority p on the physical port.Note: This counter is available only if PFC was enabled on priority p. Refer to HowTo Configure PFC on ConnectX-4 .ConnectX-3 naming : tx_pause_duration_prio_p Informative
rx_prio[p]_buf_discard The number of packets discarded by device due to lack of per host receive buffers. Supported from kernel 5.3 Informative
rx_prio[p]_cong_discard The number of packets discarded by device due to per host congestion. Supported from kernel 5.3 Informative
rx_prio[p]_marked The number of packets ecn marked by device due to per host congestion. Supported from kernel 5.3 Informative
rx_prio[p]_discard The number of packets discarded by device due to lack of receive buffers. Supported from kernel 5.6 Infornative

Device Counters

Counter Description Type
rx_pci_signal_integrity Counts physical layer PCIe signal integrity errors, the number of transitions to recovery due to Framing errors and CRC (dlp and tlp).If this counter is raising, try moving the adapter card to a different slot to rule out a bad PCI slot. Validate that you are running with the latest firmware available and latest server BIOS version. Error
tx_pci_signal_integrity Counts physical layer PCIe signal integrity errors, the number of transition to recovery initiated by the other side (moving to recovery due to getting TS/EIEOS).If this counter is raising, try moving the adapter card to a different slot to rule out a bad PCI slot. Validate that you are running with the latest firmware available and latest server BIOS version. Error
outbound_pci_buffer_overflow The number of packets dropped due to pci buffer overflow. If this counter is raising in high rate, it might indicate that the receive traffic rate for a host is larger than the PCIe bus and therefore a congestion occurs. Supported from kernel 4.14 Informative
outbound_pci_stalled_rd The percentage (in the range 0…100) of time within the last second that the NIC had outbound non-posted reads requests but could not perform the operation due to insufficient posted credits. Supported from kernel 4.14 Informative
outbound_pci_stalled_wr The percentage (in the range 0…100) of time within the last second that the NIC had outbound posted writes requests but could not perform the operation due to insufficient posted credits. Supported from kernel 4.14 Informative
outbound_pci_stalled_rd_events The number of seconds where outbound_pci_stalled_rd was above 30%. Supported from kernel 4.14 Informative
outbound_pci_stalled_wr_events The number of seconds where outbound_pci_stalled_wr was above 30%. Supported from kernel 4.14 Informative
dev_out_of_buffer The number of times the device owned queue had not enough buffers allocated Error

Full List of Counters

# ethtool -S eth5

NIC statistics:

rx_packets: 10

rx_bytes: 3420

tx_packets: 18

tx_bytes: 1296

tx_tso_packets: 0

tx_tso_bytes: 0

tx_tso_inner_packets: 0

tx_tso_inner_bytes: 0

tx_added_vlan_packets: 0

tx_nop: 0

rx_lro_packets: 0

rx_lro_bytes: 0

rx_ecn_mark: 0

rx_removed_vlan_packets: 0

rx_csum_unnecessary: 0

rx_csum_none: 0

rx_csum_complete: 10

rx_csum_unnecessary_inner: 0

rx_xdp_drop: 0

rx_xdp_redirect: 0

rx_xdp_tx_xmit: 0

rx_xdp_tx_full: 0

rx_xdp_tx_err: 0

rx_xdp_tx_cqe: 0

tx_csum_none: 18

tx_csum_partial: 0

tx_csum_partial_inner: 0

tx_queue_stopped: 0

tx_queue_dropped: 0

tx_xmit_more: 0

tx_recover: 0

tx_cqes: 18

tx_queue_wake: 0

tx_udp_seg_rem: 0

tx_cqe_err: 0

tx_xdp_xmit: 0

tx_xdp_full: 0

tx_xdp_err: 0

tx_xdp_cqes: 0

rx_wqe_err: 0

rx_mpwqe_filler_cqes: 0

rx_mpwqe_filler_strides: 0

rx_buff_alloc_err: 0

rx_cqe_compress_blks: 0

rx_cqe_compress_pkts: 0

rx_page_reuse: 0

rx_cache_reuse: 0

rx_cache_full: 0

rx_cache_empty: 2688

rx_cache_busy: 0

rx_cache_waive: 0

rx_congst_umr: 0

rx_arfs_err: 0

ch_events: 75

ch_poll: 75

ch_arm: 75

ch_aff_change: 0

ch_eq_rearm: 0

rx_out_of_buffer: 0

rx_if_down_packets: 15

rx_steer_missed_packets: 0

rx_vport_unicast_packets: 0

rx_vport_unicast_bytes: 0

tx_vport_unicast_packets: 0

tx_vport_unicast_bytes: 0

rx_vport_multicast_packets: 2

rx_vport_multicast_bytes: 172

tx_vport_multicast_packets: 12

tx_vport_multicast_bytes: 936

rx_vport_broadcast_packets: 37

rx_vport_broadcast_bytes: 9270

tx_vport_broadcast_packets: 6

tx_vport_broadcast_bytes: 360

rx_vport_rdma_unicast_packets: 0

rx_vport_rdma_unicast_bytes: 0

tx_vport_rdma_unicast_packets: 0

tx_vport_rdma_unicast_bytes: 0

rx_vport_rdma_multicast_packets: 0

rx_vport_rdma_multicast_bytes: 0

tx_vport_rdma_multicast_packets: 0

tx_vport_rdma_multicast_bytes: 0

tx_packets_phy: 0

rx_packets_phy: 0

rx_crc_errors_phy: 0

tx_bytes_phy: 0

rx_bytes_phy: 0

tx_multicast_phy: 0

tx_broadcast_phy: 0

rx_multicast_phy: 0

rx_broadcast_phy: 0

rx_in_range_len_errors_phy: 0

rx_out_of_range_len_phy: 0

rx_oversize_pkts_phy: 0

rx_symbol_err_phy: 0

tx_mac_control_phy: 0

rx_mac_control_phy: 0

rx_unsupported_op_phy: 0

rx_pause_ctrl_phy: 0

tx_pause_ctrl_phy: 0

rx_discards_phy: 0

tx_discards_phy: 0

tx_errors_phy: 0

rx_undersize_pkts_phy: 0

rx_fragments_phy: 0

rx_jabbers_phy: 0

rx_64_bytes_phy: 0

rx_65_to_127_bytes_phy: 0

rx_128_to_255_bytes_phy: 0

rx_256_to_511_bytes_phy: 0

rx_512_to_1023_bytes_phy: 0

rx_1024_to_1518_bytes_phy: 0

rx_1519_to_2047_bytes_phy: 0

rx_2048_to_4095_bytes_phy: 0

rx_4096_to_8191_bytes_phy: 0

rx_8192_to_10239_bytes_phy: 0

link_down_events_phy: 0

rx_prio0_bytes: 0

rx_prio0_packets: 0

tx_prio0_bytes: 0

tx_prio0_packets: 0

rx_prio1_bytes: 0

rx_prio1_packets: 0

tx_prio1_bytes: 0

tx_prio1_packets: 0

rx_prio2_bytes: 0

rx_prio2_packets: 0

tx_prio2_bytes: 0

tx_prio2_packets: 0

rx_prio3_bytes: 0

rx_prio3_packets: 0

tx_prio3_bytes: 0

tx_prio3_packets: 0

rx_prio4_bytes: 0

rx_prio4_packets: 0

tx_prio4_bytes: 0

tx_prio4_packets: 0

rx_prio5_bytes: 0

rx_prio5_packets: 0

tx_prio5_bytes: 0

tx_prio5_packets: 0

rx_prio6_bytes: 0

rx_prio6_packets: 0

tx_prio6_bytes: 0

tx_prio6_packets: 0

rx_prio7_bytes: 0

rx_prio7_packets: 0

tx_prio7_bytes: 0

tx_prio7_packets: 0

module_unplug: 0

module_bus_stuck: 0

module_high_temp: 0

module_bad_shorted: 0

ch0_events: 9

ch0_poll: 9

ch0_arm: 9

ch0_aff_change: 0

ch0_eq_rearm: 0

ch1_events: 23

ch1_poll: 23

ch1_arm: 23

ch1_aff_change: 0

ch1_eq_rearm: 0

ch2_events: 8

ch2_poll: 8

ch2_arm: 8

ch2_aff_change: 0

ch2_eq_rearm: 0

ch3_events: 19

ch3_poll: 19

ch3_arm: 19

ch3_aff_change: 0

ch3_eq_rearm: 0

ch4_events: 8

ch4_poll: 8

ch4_arm: 8

ch4_aff_change: 0

ch4_eq_rearm: 0

ch5_events: 8

ch5_poll: 8

ch5_arm: 8

ch5_aff_change: 0

ch5_eq_rearm: 0

rx0_packets: 0

rx0_bytes: 0

rx0_csum_complete: 0

rx0_csum_unnecessary: 0

rx0_csum_unnecessary_inner: 0

rx0_csum_none: 0

rx0_xdp_drop: 0

rx0_xdp_redirect: 0

rx0_lro_packets: 0

rx0_lro_bytes: 0

rx0_ecn_mark: 0

rx0_removed_vlan_packets: 0

rx0_wqe_err: 0

rx0_mpwqe_filler_cqes: 0

rx0_mpwqe_filler_strides: 0

rx0_buff_alloc_err: 0

rx0_cqe_compress_blks: 0

rx0_cqe_compress_pkts: 0

rx0_page_reuse: 0

rx0_cache_reuse: 0

rx0_cache_full: 0

rx0_cache_empty: 448

rx0_cache_busy: 0

rx0_cache_waive: 0

rx0_congst_umr: 0

rx0_arfs_err: 0

rx0_xdp_tx_xmit: 0

rx0_xdp_tx_full: 0

rx0_xdp_tx_err: 0

rx0_xdp_tx_cqes: 0

rx1_packets: 10

rx1_bytes: 3420

rx1_csum_complete: 10

rx1_csum_unnecessary: 0

rx1_csum_unnecessary_inner: 0

rx1_csum_none: 0

rx1_xdp_drop: 0

rx1_xdp_redirect: 0

rx1_lro_packets: 0

rx1_lro_bytes: 0

rx1_ecn_mark: 0

rx1_removed_vlan_packets: 0

rx1_wqe_err: 0

rx1_mpwqe_filler_cqes: 0

rx1_mpwqe_filler_strides: 0

rx1_buff_alloc_err: 0

rx1_cqe_compress_blks: 0

rx1_cqe_compress_pkts: 0

rx1_page_reuse: 0

rx1_cache_reuse: 0

rx1_cache_full: 0

rx1_cache_empty: 448

rx1_cache_busy: 0

rx1_cache_waive: 0

rx1_congst_umr: 0

rx1_arfs_err: 0

rx1_xdp_tx_xmit: 0

rx1_xdp_tx_full: 0

rx1_xdp_tx_err: 0

rx1_xdp_tx_cqes: 0

rx2_packets: 0

rx2_bytes: 0

rx2_csum_complete: 0

rx2_csum_unnecessary: 0

rx2_csum_unnecessary_inner: 0

rx2_csum_none: 0

rx2_xdp_drop: 0

rx2_xdp_redirect: 0

rx2_lro_packets: 0

rx2_lro_bytes: 0

rx2_ecn_mark: 0

rx2_removed_vlan_packets: 0

rx2_wqe_err: 0

rx2_mpwqe_filler_cqes: 0

rx2_mpwqe_filler_strides: 0

rx2_buff_alloc_err: 0

rx2_cqe_compress_blks: 0

rx2_cqe_compress_pkts: 0

rx2_page_reuse: 0

rx2_cache_reuse: 0

rx2_cache_full: 0

rx2_cache_empty: 448

rx2_cache_busy: 0

rx2_cache_waive: 0

rx2_congst_umr: 0

rx2_arfs_err: 0

rx2_xdp_tx_xmit: 0

rx2_xdp_tx_full: 0

rx2_xdp_tx_err: 0

rx2_xdp_tx_cqes: 0

tx0_packets: 1

tx0_bytes: 60

tx0_tso_packets: 0

tx0_tso_bytes: 0

tx0_tso_inner_packets: 0

tx0_tso_inner_bytes: 0

tx0_csum_partial: 0

tx0_csum_partial_inner: 0

tx0_added_vlan_packets: 0

tx0_nop: 0

tx0_csum_none: 1

tx0_stopped: 0

tx0_dropped: 0

tx0_xmit_more: 0

tx0_recover: 0

tx0_cqes: 1

tx0_wake: 0

tx0_cqe_err: 0

tx1_packets: 5

tx1_bytes: 300

tx1_tso_packets: 0

tx1_tso_bytes: 0

tx1_tso_inner_packets: 0

tx1_tso_inner_bytes: 0

tx1_csum_partial: 0

tx1_csum_partial_inner: 0

tx1_added_vlan_packets: 0

tx1_nop: 0

tx1_csum_none: 5

tx1_stopped: 0

tx1_dropped: 0

tx1_xmit_more: 0

tx1_recover: 0

tx1_cqes: 5

tx1_wake: 0

tx1_cqe_err: 0

tx2_packets: 0

tx2_bytes: 0

tx2_tso_packets: 0

tx2_tso_bytes: 0

tx2_tso_inner_packets: 0

tx2_tso_inner_bytes: 0

tx2_csum_partial: 0

tx2_csum_partial_inner: 0

tx2_added_vlan_packets: 0

tx2_nop: 0

tx2_csum_none: 0

tx2_stopped: 0

tx2_dropped: 0

tx2_xmit_more: 0

tx2_recover: 0

tx2_cqes: 0

tx2_wake: 0

tx2_cqe_err: 0

The number of packets dropped due to XDP program XDP_DROP action. these packets are not counted by other software counters. These packets are counted by physical port and vPort counters – supported from kernel 4.9


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