
There are several ways to transfer photos you took with your iPhone over to your Mac. Some of these methods are better than others, depending on how many photos you have.

有几种方法可以将用iPhone拍摄的照片传输到Mac。 这些方法中的某些方法要优于其他方法,具体取决于您拥有多少张照片。

空投 (AirDrop)

The first method we’ll cover is probably the best solution overall. If you’re not familiar with AirDrop, it’s a feature on iOS and macOS devices that allows users to wirelessly transfer and share all sorts of files with other Apple users over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

我们将介绍的第一种方法可能是总体上最好的解决方案。 如果您不熟悉AirDrop,则它是iOS和macOS设备上的一项功能,允许用户通过Wi-Fi和蓝牙无线传输并与其他Apple用户共享各种文件。

To transfer photos from your iPhone to your Mac, you just use AirDrop to “share” these photos with yourself. On your iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to bring up the Control Center, and then tap the “AirDrop” button.

要将照片从iPhone传输到Mac,您只需使用AirDrop与自己“共享”这些照片即可。 在您的iPhone上,从屏幕底部向上滑动以调出控制中心,然后点击“ AirDrop”按钮。

Next, select either “Contacts Only” or “Everyone,” depending on who you want to be able to send you AirDrops. Choosing “Contacts Only” will work fine for what we’re doing now, but select whichever one you want.

接下来,根据您希望向谁发送AirDrops的身份,选择“仅联系人”或“所有人”。 选择“仅联系人”对于我们现在正在执行的操作会很好,但是请选择所需的任何一个。

You’ll now see that AirDrop is on and ready to go. Keep in mind that turning AirDrop on also automatically turns on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

现在,您将看到AirDrop已打开并可以使用。 请记住,打开AirDrop也会自动打开Wi-Fi和蓝牙。

Next, move to your Mac and access AirDrop by opening a Finder window, and then selecting “AirDrop” from the left-hand sidebar (or by hitting Shift+Cmd+R on your keyboard).

接下来,移动到Mac并通过打开Finder窗口访问AirDrop,然后从左侧边栏中选择“ AirDrop”(或通过按键盘上的Shift + Cmd + R)。

At the bottom, find the “Allow me to be discovered by” option, and then click the dropdown arrow next to “No One.”


Just like on your iPhone, select either “Contacts Only” or “Everyone”. Again, turning on AirDrop on your Mac automtically turns on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

就像在iPhone上一样,选择“仅联系人”或“所有人”。 同样,在Mac上打开AirDrop会自动打开Wi-Fi和蓝牙。

After enabling AirDrop on your Mac, you can close the Finder window, and move back to your iPhone for the next step.


Open up the Photos app, and then tap a photo you want to send to your Mac—or hit “Select” and choose multiple photos to transfer.


With at least one photo selected, tap the “Share” button in the bottom-left corner.


In the “AirDrop” section, you should see your Mac listed. Tap it to transfer the selected photos to your Mac.

在“ AirDrop”部分中,您应该看到列出了Mac。 点按它可以将选定的照片传输到Mac。

On your Mac, open the “Downloads” folder to see the transferred photos.


iMessage自己 (iMessage Yourself)

If you’d rather not mess around with AirDrop, but still want to transfer photos wirelessly, you always can send them to yourself through iMessage. Of course, for this to work, you need to have iMessage enabled on your Mac.

如果您不想惹麻烦AirDrop,但仍然想无线传输照片,则始终可以通过iMe​​ssage将其发送给自己。 当然,要使其正常工作,您需要在Mac上启用iMessage。

To quickly see if you have iMessage enabled on your Mac, send yourself a text message from your iPhone. Open up the Messages app on your Mac and see if you received the text message. If so, then you’re good to go. If not, here’s how to enable iMessage.

要快速查看Mac上是否已启用iMessage,请通过iPhone向自己发送一条短信。 在Mac上打开“消息”应用,然后查看是否收到了短信。 如果是这样,那么您很好。 如果不是,请按以下步骤启用iMessage。

In the Messages app, open the “Messages” menu and then click the “Preferences” option.


Click the “Accounts” tab if it isn’t already selected.


Next, sign in with your Apple ID credentials if you haven’t already.

接下来,如果尚未登录,请使用您的Apple ID凭据登录。

After you’ve signed in, turn on the “Enable this account” option if it isn’t already.


You can now transfer photos from your iPhone to your Mac using iMessage. When you receive the photo (or photos), all you have to do is drag them out of iMessage to whatever location you want.

现在,您可以使用iMessage将照片从iPhone传输到Mac。 收到照片后,只需将它们从iMessage拖动到所需的任何位置即可。

影像撷取 (Image Capture)

You can also transfer photos by plugging your iPhone directly into your Mac with a Lightning cable, and then using the built-in Image Capture app on your Mac.

您还可以通过使用Lightning电缆将iPhone直接插入Mac上,然后使用Mac上内置的Image Capture应用来传输照片。

Plug your iPhone into your Mac, and then open Image Capture. You can find this app in the “Applications” folder, or through Spotlight Search.

将iPhone插入Mac,然后打开Image Capture。 您可以在“应用程序”文件夹中或通过Spotlight搜索找到该应用程序。

In the “Image Capture” window, click your iPhone in the “Devices” list at the top-left corner of the window. Also make sure that your iPhone is unlocked before continuing.

在“图像捕获”窗口中,在窗口左上角的“设备”列表中单击您的iPhone。 另外,请确保您的iPhone处于解锁状态,然后再继续。

Next, you should see all of your iPhone photos listed, along with some EXIF data for each photo.

接下来,您应该看到列出的所有iPhone照片以及每张照片的一些EXIF数据 。

Select a photo by clicking it. Hold the Cmd key down and click to select multiple photos. When you have all your photos selected, click “Import To” dropdown menu, and then select a folder where you’d like the save the photos.

通过单击选择照片。 按住Cmd键,然后单击以选择多张照片。 选中所有照片后,单击“导入到”下拉菜单,然后选择要保存照片的文件夹。

Click “Import” to import the selected photos. You can also just click “Import All” to transfer all the photos on your iPhone to your Mac without going through the selection process.

单击“导入”以导入所选的照片。 您也可以单击“全部导入”将iPhone上的所有照片传输到Mac,而无需执行选择过程。

iCloud照片库 (iCloud Photo Library)

For the sake of completeness, we should talk about iCloud Photo Library. In short, iCloud Photo Library isn’t the best method for transferring photos. Honestly, it’s not even a really good method.

为了完整起见,我们应该谈论iCloud照片库。 简而言之,iCloud照片库不是传输照片的最佳方法。 老实说,这甚至不是一个很好的方法。

iCloud Photo Library automatically syncs your iPhone’s camera roll with your Mac, so whenever you take a photo on your iPhone, that photo automatically appears in the Photos app on your Mac. It’s really convenient, but unfortunately, it also can be pretty unreliable.

iCloud照片库会自动将iPhone的相机胶卷与Mac同步,因此,无论何时在iPhone上拍照,该照片都会自动出现在Mac上的“照片”应用程序中。 这确实很方便,但不幸的是,它也可能非常不可靠。

If you want to try it out anyway, you can learn more about the feature and how to enable it in our full guide. But the jist is that you open Settings, tap your Apple ID, navigate to iCloud > Photos, and then enable the “iCloud Photo Library” option. You also need to do this on your Mac by heading to System Preferences > iCloud, and then enabling the “Photos” option.

如果您仍然想尝试一下,可以在我们的完整指南中了解有关此功能以及如何启用它的更多信息。 但最主要的是,您可以打开“设置”,点击您的Apple ID,导航到“ iCloud”>“照片”,然后启用“ iCloud照片库”选项。 您还需要在Mac上通过转到系统偏好设置> iCloud,然后启用“照片”选项来执行此操作。

In the end, if you already use iCloud Photo Library and find it does an okay job, then that’s probably how you should stick to transferring photos. However, if you haven’t already set up iCloud Photo Library—or don’t want to use it—then there are definitely better methods for getting those photos transferred over.

最后,如果您已经使用过iCloud照片库,并且发现它做的还不错,那么这可能就是您应该坚持传输照片的方式。 但是,如果您尚未设置iCloud照片库或不想使用它,那么肯定有更好的方法来转移这些照片。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319929/how-to-import-photos-from-iphone-to-mac/

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