
Apple’s Facetime video calling is perhaps one of their most used features. It lets people with iPhones, iPads, and Macs make easy video calls to one another. You can’t make Facetime calls from Windows, but there are several other ways to make video calls—even to iPhone users.

苹果的Facetime视频通话可能是他们最常用的功能之一。 它使拥有iPhone,iPad和Mac的人们之间可以轻松进行视频通话。 您无法从Windows进行Facetime通话,但是还有其他几种进行视频通话的方法,甚至可以用于iPhone用户。

No, there is no Facetime on Windows, and there’s not likely to be anytime soon. Facetime is a proprietary standard, and just isn’t available outside the Apple ecosystem. So, if you were hoping to use Facetime to call your mom’s iPhone from your Windows PC, you’re out of luck. However, there are several great video calling alternatives that do work on Windows.

不,Windows上没有Facetime,而且不可能很快出现。 Facetime是专有标准,只是在Apple生态系统之外不可用。 因此,如果您希望使用Facetime在Windows PC上为妈妈的iPhone打电话,那您真不走运。 但是,有几种出色的视频通话替代方法可以在Windows上使用。

Here are several that are available on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, so you can get some face time with almost anyone. A couple are even available for Linux.

以下是可在Windows,macOS,Android和iOS上使用的几种工具,因此您几乎可以与任何人打交道。 甚至有几个适用于Linux。

  • Skype: Owned by Microsoft, Skype was one of the first video call apps to become mainstream. Since then, it’s only gotten better. Skype is available for Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux, and Android.

    Skype : Skype由Microsoft拥有,是最早成为主流的视频通话应用程序之一。 从那时起,它变得越来越好。 Skype可用于Windows,macOS, iOS ,Linux和Android 。

  • Hangouts: Google Hangouts not only lets you make video calls, you can have a full-on video conference with multiple people. There are dedicated Hangout apps for iOS and Android, and it’s available to all desktop users via their web browser.

    环聊 :Google环聊不仅可以让您进行视频通话,还可以与多人一起进行视频会议。 有适用于iOS和Android的专用环聊应用,所有桌面用户均可通过其网络浏览器使用。

  • Facebook Messenger: Did you know that you can make video calls using Facebook Messenger? You can, and you can use the feature on pretty much any operating system. There are dedicated Messenger apps for iOS and Android, but you can also use Messenger right in your desktop web browser to make video calls from Windows, macOS, or Linux.

    Facebook Messenger :您知道您可以使用Facebook Messenger进行视频通话吗? 您可以并且可以在几乎所有操作系统上使用该功能。 有专门用于iOS和Android的 Messenger应用程序,但您也可以直接在桌面网络浏览器中使用Messenger来从Windows,macOS或Linux进行视频通话。

  • Viber: Viber is a feature-rich app that you can use for video calls and a variety of other purposes. It has millions of users worldwide and is available for a variety of platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    Viber : Viber是功能丰富的应用程序,可用于视频通话和其他多种用途。 它在全球拥有数百万用户,可用于iOS , Android ,Windows,macOS和Linux等各种平台。

And yes, you’ll need to take the extra step of making sure that the people you want to call have the right app installed. But once that’s done, you’ll be able to place video calls to just about anybody. It doesn’t matter if they use Windows, iOS, Android, macOS, or even Linux.

是的,您需要采取额外的步骤来确保您要呼叫的人员安装了正确的应用程序。 但是一旦完成,您就可以对几乎任何人进行视频通话。 他们是否使用Windows,iOS,Android,macOS甚至Linux都没有关系。

Image Credit: Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock

图片来源: Rocketclips,Inc. / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/352854/can-you-use-facetime-on-windows/

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