
If you use Google Chrome, there’s a good chance you’ve seen files with the “.crdownload” extension in your Downloads directory. Google Chrome creates one each time you begin downloading a file.

如果您使用的是Google Chrome浏览器,则很有可能在“下载”目录中看到带有“ .crdownload”扩展名的文件。 每次您开始下载文件时,Google Chrome都会创建一个。

These .crdownload files are automatically renamed when a download finishes successfully, but may stick around if there’s a download error.


Update: Microsoft’s new Edge browser is based on Chromium, so Edge will now create .crdownload files for the same reason Google Chrome does. Other Chromium-based browsers will create .crdownload files, too.

更新 : Microsoft的新Edge浏览器基于Chromium ,因此出于与Chrome浏览器相同的原因,Edge现在将创建.crdownload文件。 其他基于Chromium的浏览器也会创建.crdownload文件。

Chrome何时(以及为什么)创建这些文件 (When (and Why) Chrome Creates These Files)

Google Chrome creates .crdownload files for your downloads. For example, let’s say you start downloading a music file named Song.mp3 in Google Chrome. “Song.mp3” will appear in your list of downloads in Chrome, and a file named “Song.mp3.crdownload” will appear in your Downloads folder. This file will grow in size as Chrome continues to download the file. When Chrome finishes downloading the entire file, Chrome will rename it to Song.mp3, removing the .crdownload file extension.

Google Chrome浏览器会为您的下载创建.crdownload文件。 例如,假设您开始在Google Chrome浏览器中下载名为Song.mp3的音乐文件。 “ Song.mp3”将出现在Chrome的下载列表中,而名为“ Song.mp3.crdownload”的文件将出现在“下载”文件夹中。 随着Chrome继续下载文件,该文件的大小将会增加。 Chrome完成下载整个文件后,Chrome会将其重命名为Song.mp3,并删除.crdownload文件扩展名。

The .crdownload file extension indicates a file hasn’t finished downloading yet. Other web browsers may store in-progress downloads in a different folder and move them to your downloads folder when they’re finished, but Chrome just stores the incomplete file in your Downloads folder.

.crdownload文件扩展名表示文件尚未完成下载。 其他网络浏览器可能会将进行中的下载存储在其他文件夹中,并在完成后将其移动到下载文件夹中,但是Chrome只是将不完整的文件存储在“下载”文件夹中。

If you see a .crdownload file, check your list of Downloads in Chrome. You can look at the Downloads tray at the bottom of your Chrome window or click the menu and select Downloads. If the file is still downloading, don’t delete the .crdownload file — just let Chrome finish downloading it.

如果您看到.crdownload文件,请检查Chrome中的下载列表。 您可以查看Chrome窗口底部的“下载”托盘,或单击菜单并选择“下载”。 如果文件仍在下载中,请不要删除.crdownload文件-只需让Chrome完成下载即可。

Of course, if you don’t actually want to download the file anymore, you can cancel the download in Chrome. Chrome will automatically delete the associated .crdownload file when you cancel a download.

当然,如果您实际上不再想要下载文件,则可以在Chrome中取消下载。 当您取消下载时,Chrome会自动删除关联的.crdownload文件。

Chrome可以使用这些文件恢复下载 (Chrome Can Resume Downloads With These Files)

You may have a .crdownload file lying around even though Chrome isn’t downloading something at the moment. Open the Downloads page in Chrome and you might see a download that’s incomplete. This indicates that Chrome was downloading a file, but there was a problem — your Internet connection could have cut out, or the server could have dropped the connection. You can also “pause” a download and resume it later, in which case Chrome will keep the .crdownload file lying around.

即使Chrome当前未下载任何内容,您也可能会放有一个.crdownload文件。 在Chrome中打开“下载”页面,您可能会发现下载不完整。 这表明Chrome正在下载文件,但是出现了问题-您的Internet连接可能已断开,或者服务器可能已断开连接。 您还可以“暂停”下载并稍后再恢复,在这种情况下,Chrome会将.crdownload文件保留在文件中。

You can try clicking the Resume button. Chrome will try to pick up where it left off and add the rest of the file to the .crdownload file. But resuming may not always work properly. You may want to just start downloading the file from the beginning again.

您可以尝试单击“继续”按钮。 Chrome浏览器将尝试从上次停止的地方提取文件,并将其余文件添加到.crdownload文件中。 但是恢复可能并不总是可以正常工作。 您可能需要再次从头开始下载文件。

何时可以删除文件 (When You Can Delete the File)

You’re free to delete the file any time you like. If no downloads are in progress and you don’t need to resume a download using the file, go ahead and delete it.

您可以随时删除文件。 如果没有正在进行的下载,并且您不需要使用该文件继续下载,请继续删除它。

You’ll want to delete the .crdownload file when you no longer need it. For example, if you check your Downloads folder and see files named Song (1).mp3 and Song.mp3.crdownload, you can delete the one ending in .crdownload. That’s just an incomplete download file you don’t need.

当您不再需要.crdownload文件时,您将需要删除它。 例如,如果检查“下载”文件夹并查看名为Song(1).mp3和Song.mp3.crdownload的文件,则可以删除以.crdownload结尾的文件。 只是您不需要的不完整下载文件。

If you see an old .crdownload file for a file you tried downloading long ago, you can definitely delete it. This may happen if you don’t clean out your Downloads folder regularly and overlook it.

如果看到很久以前尝试下载的文件的旧.crdownload文件,则可以将其删除。 如果您不定期清理“下载”文件夹而忽略它,则可能会发生这种情况。

If you try downloading a file and come back later to see a .crdownload file sitting in your Downloads folder, the file failed to download properly (or is still downloading). You can then head back into Chrome’s download manager to retry the download. The .crdownload file provides a reminder that you were going to download a specific file, but that it didn’t arrive successfully.

如果您尝试下载文件,然后稍后回来查看.crdownload文件位于您的“下载”文件夹中,则该文件无法正确下载(或仍在下载)。 然后,您可以返回Chrome的下载管理器以重试下载。 .crdownload文件提醒您您要下载特定文件,但未成功到达。

So that’s what a .crdownload file is — a partially complete Chrome download. It’s an in-progress download, a failed download, or a paused download.

这就是.crdownload文件的全部内容–部分完成了Chrome下载。 这是正在进行的下载,失败的下载或暂停的下载。


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