
SDM :Snapdragon Mobile

MSM :Mobile Station Modems

APQ :Application Processor Qualcomm

MPQ :Media Processor Qualcomm

QSD :Qualcomm Snapdragon


TPP :Test Plan Package

MFG : 大概是 Manufacturing

CS :Commercial Software

DSDA :Dual Sim Dual Active

DUT :Device under test

EVP :Enhanced Power Verification

FC :Feature Complete

FFBM :Fast Factory Bootmode

FTM :Factory Test Mode

FTMRFT :FTM RF Test is a new FTM command set introduced on the Atlas modem. It replaces the FTM RF commandset used on other modems.

MM :Multimode

NSVFS :Non SignalingVerification Frequency Sweep

QSEQ :Qualcomm Test Sequencing Systems

RFVFS :RadioFrequency Verification Frequency Sweep

VFS :Verification frequency sweep

QMSL : QUALCOMM Manufacturing Support Library

QRCT : QUALCOMM Radio Control Tool

QPST : QUALCOMM Product Support Tool

QSPR : QUALCOMM Sequence Profiling Resource

XTT :QSPR subsystem test libraries and extensible test tree files

UUT :Unit Under Test, 就是待测手机

CP :Call Processor,应该是测试仪器



【ACR】Access control register
【AMSS】Advanced Mobile Subscriber Software
【APPS PBL】Application Processor Primary Boot Loader
【APQ】Application Processor Qualcomm
【APSS】Applications processor subsystem

【ASM】Anntena Switch Module

【BAM】Bus Access Manager

【BIMC】Bus integrated memory controller

【BLOB】Binary Large Object

【BLSP】BAM Low-Speed Peripherals

【BSP】Board support package
【CDT】Configuration Data Table,包含CDB0: platform info信息和CDB1: DDR配置参数
【CE】Crypto engine
【CV】customer visit
【DCVS】Dynamic clock and voltage scaling
【DDR】Double data rate
【DPC】Deferred procedure call
【EDL】Emergency Download
【FFA】Form Factor Accurate
【FFBM】fast factory boot mode
【FLCB】Fast Low Current Boot
【FSG】A golden file system有点不对劲
【HDET】High Power Detector有点不对劲
【Hexagon TCM】把Hexagon处理器用作紧耦合存储器,从软件角度,紧耦合存储器是一种物理内存,它的功能与一般内存没有什么差异。但是从硬件角度来说,紧耦合存储器能够从芯片中获得低延时的访问。
【IPO】instant power on
【L2 TCM】Tightly-Coupled Memory,紧耦合内存
【KDF】Key derivation function
【LPM】Low-power mode
【LPASS】Low power audio subsystem
【MBA】Modem Boot Authenticator
【MDM】Mobile Data Modem
【MDSS】Mobile display subsystem
【MMSS】Multimedia subsystem
【Modem PBL】Modem Primary Boot Loader
【modemst】modem efs partition有点不对劲
【MP】Modem processor
【MPM】MSM power manager
【MPQ】Media Processor Qualcomm
【MPSS】Modem peripheral subsystem software
【MSA】Modem Self-Authentication
【MSS】Modem subsystem两种解释,这个是来自高通文档
【MSS】Mobile Subscriber Software移动用户软件
【MVBAR】Monitor vector base address register
【OCMEM】On-chip memory
【PBM】Phonebook Manager
【PHK】Primary hardware key
【PIL】Peripheral image loader
【PMI】Primary Modem Image
【PnP】Plug and Play
【PRNG】Pseudorandom number generator
【QCA】Qualcomm Atheros
【QFE】Qualcomm Front-end
【QHEE】Qualcomm Hypervisor Execution Environment
【QRIB】QuAC reinitialization block
【QSAPPS】Qualcomm secure applications
【QSC】Qualcomm Single Chip
【QSD】Qualcomm Snapdragon
【QSEE】Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment
【QuAC】Qualcomm Access Control
【RFFE】Radio Frequency Front-end
【RPM】Resource Power Manager是高通MSM平台另外加的一块芯片,虽然与AP芯片打包在一起,但其是一个独立的ARM Core。之所以加这个东西,就是要控制整个电源相关的shared resources,比如ldo,clock。负责与SMP,MPM交互进入睡眠或者唤醒整个系统。
【RPM_FW】Resource Power Manager Firmware
【RTR】Radio Transceiver
【SAC】Secure access control
【SBL】Secondary Boot Loader
【SCM】Secure channel manager
【SDI】System Debug Image
【SFR】Subsystem RestartFailure Reason
【SFS】Secure file system
【SGI】Software Generated Interrupt
【SHK】Secondary hardware key
【SMC】Secure monitor call
【SMEM】shared memory
【SMMU】System memory management unit
【SoC】Systemon Chip
【SRLTE】Simultaneous Radio and LTE
【SSD】Secure software download
【SSR】Subsystem Restart
【SURF】Subscriber Unit Reference Platform
【TLMM】Top-Level Mode Multiplexer,MSM TLMM pinmux controller,Qualcomm MSM integrates a GPIO and Pin mux/config hardware, (TOP Level Mode Multiplexer in short TLMM). It controls the input/output settings on the available pads/pins and also provides ability to multiplex and configure the output of various on-chip controllers onto these pads. The pins are also of different types, encapsulating different functions and having differing register semantics.
【TZ】ARM TrustZone
【TZBSP】TrustZon一分快三技巧准确率100esource Power Manager是高通MSM平台另外加的一块芯片,虽然与AP芯片打包在一起,但其是一个独立的ARM Core。之所以加这个东西,就是要控制整个电源相关的shared resources,比如ldo,clock。负责与SMP,MPM交互进入睡眠或者唤醒整个系统。
【RPM_FW】Resource Power Manager Firmware
【RTR】Radio Transceiver
【SAC】Secure access control
【SBL】Secondary Boot Loader
【SCM】Secure channel manager
【SDI】System Debug Image
【SFR】Subsystem RestartFailure Reason
【SFS】Secure file system
【SGI】Software Generated Interrupt
【SHK】Secondary hardware key
【SMC】Secure monitor call
【SMEM】shared memory
【SMMU】System memory management unit
【SoC】Systemon Chip
【SRLTE】Simultaneous Radio and LTE
【SSD】Secure software download
【SSR】Subsystem Restart
【SURF】Subscriber Unit Reference Platform
【TLMM】Top-Level Mode Multiplexer,MSM TLMM pinmux controller,Qualcomm MSM integrates a GPIO and Pin mux/config hardware, (TOP Level Mode Multiplexer in short TLMM). It controls the input/output settings on the available pads/pins and also provides ability to multiplex and configure the output of various on-chip controllers onto these pads. The pins are also of different types, encapsulating different functions and having differing register semantics.
【TZ】ARM TrustZone
【TZBSP】TrustZone board support package
【VMIDMT】Virtual machine ID mapping table
【UniPro】Universal Protocol
【VBIF】video bus interface
【VFE】Video front-end
【WCD】wafer codec/decodec
【WCN】wireless connectivity network
【WCNSS】Wireless connectivity subsystem
【WTR】Wafer Transceiver
【XPU】Embedded Memory Protected Unit

【CDP】Core Development Platform
【MTP】Modem Test Platform
【MSM】Mobile Station Modem
【QRD】Qualcomm Reference Design高通参考设计

GID1 组标识 (等级1)
GID2 组标识 (等级2)
IMEI 国际移动设备识别码
IMSI 国际移动用户识别码
MCC 移动国家代码
MCFG Modem配置
MEID 移动设备识别码
MNC 移动网络代码
OEM 原始设备制造商
QCN 高通平台NV文件
SIM 用户身份识别模块
SP 信息写入工位简称
TPP 测试序列压缩包

80-NF136-8SC C