执行"rm -rf /"之后世界安静了吗

对于Unix/Linux程序员来说,”rm -rf /”一直被认为是一个极度危险的操作,因为直接把根目录给删除了,整个操作系统也就崩溃了。但实际上会是这样的吗?呵呵,请看图:


01 – 下载源代码(coreutils-8.30)

root# cd /tmp
root# wget https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/29/Everything/SRPMS/Packages/c/coreutils-8.30-7.fc29.src.rpm
root# mkdir /tmp/coreutils
root# rpm -ivh --define '_topdir /tmp/coreutils' coreutils-8.30-7.fc29.src.rpm
root# cd /tmp/coreutils/SOURCES
root# ls -l *.xz
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 5359532 Jul  2  2018 coreutils-8.30.tar.xz
root# tar Jxf coreutils-8.30.tar.xz

02 – 查看rm -rf /的运行轨迹

 1 root@intel-sharkbay-dh-02:/# strace rm -rf /
 2 execve("/usr/bin/rm", ["rm", "-rf", "/"], 0x7ffde6de8960 /* 43 vars */) = 0
 3 brk(NULL)                               = 0x558b0cb0f000
 4 ...<snip>...
 5 lstat("/", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0555, st_size=224, ...}) = 0
 6 newfstatat(AT_FDCWD, "/", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0555, st_size=224, ...}, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) = 0
 7 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 8 ...<snip>...
 9 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
10 write(2, "rm: ", 4rm: )                     = 4
11 write(2, "it is dangerous to operate recur"..., 45it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/') = 45
12 write(2, "
", 1
13 )                       = 1
14 write(2, "rm: ", 4rm: )                     = 4
15 write(2, "use --no-preserve-root to overri"..., 48use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe) = 48
16 write(2, "
", 1
17 )                       = 1
18 lseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR)                   = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek)
19 close(0)                                = 0
20 close(1)                                = 0
21 close(2)                                = 0
22 exit_group(1)                           = ?
23 +++ exited with 1 +++


 5 lstat("/", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0555, st_size=224, ...}) = 0
11 write(2, "it is dangerous to operate recur"..., 45it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/') = 45

03 – 查看rm对应的源代码

03.01 main() in rm.c

/* coreutils-8.30/src/rm.c#209 */

208  int
209  main (int argc, char **argv)
210  {
211    bool preserve_root = true;
229    while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "dfirvIR", long_opts, NULL)) != -1)
230      {
231        switch (c)
232          {
237          case 'f':
238            x.interactive = RMI_NEVER;
239            x.ignore_missing_files = true;
240            prompt_once = false;
241            break;
255          case 'r':
256          case 'R':
257            x.recursive = true;
258            break;
341      }
343    if (x.recursive && preserve_root)
344      {
345        static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
346        x.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
347        if (x.root_dev_ino == NULL)
348          die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
349               quoteaf ("/"));
350      }
370    enum RM_status status = rm (file, &x);
371    assert (VALID_STATUS (status));
372    return status == RM_ERROR ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
373  }

在第346行,调用了函数get_root_dev_info(), 用以获取 root设备信息。

346        x.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);


/* coreutils-8.30/lib/root-dev-ino.c */

25  /* Call lstat to get the device and inode numbers for '/'.
26     Upon failure, return NULL.  Otherwise, set the members of
27     *ROOT_D_I accordingly and return ROOT_D_I.  */
28  struct dev_ino *
29  get_root_dev_ino (struct dev_ino *root_d_i)
30  {
31    struct stat statbuf;
32    if (lstat ("/", &statbuf))
33      return NULL;
34    root_d_i->st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
35    root_d_i->st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
36    return root_d_i;
37  }

第32行调用了lstat(),  这和我们在前面看到的strace rm -rf /的输出正好对应。

 5 lstat("/", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0555, st_size=224, ...}) = 0

rm.c的第370行调用了函数rm(), 这是我们接下来要重点分析的函数。

370    enum RM_status status = rm (file, &x);

03.02 rm() in remove.c

/* coreutils-8.30/src/remove.c#576 */

574  /* Remove FILEs, honoring options specified via X.
575     Return RM_OK if successful.  */
576  enum RM_status
577  rm (char *const *file, struct rm_options const *x)
578  {
579    enum RM_status rm_status = RM_OK;
581    if (*file)
582      {
590        FTS *fts = xfts_open (file, bit_flags, NULL);
592        while (1)
593          {
596            ent = fts_read (fts);
607            enum RM_status s = rm_fts (fts, ent, x);
610            UPDATE_STATUS (rm_status, s);
611          }
618      }
620    return rm_status;
621  }


03.03 rm_fts() in remove.c

/* coreutils-8.30/src/remove.c#418 */

417  static enum RM_status
418  rm_fts (FTS *fts, FTSENT *ent, struct rm_options const *x)
419  {
420    switch (ent->fts_info)
421      {
438        /* Perform checks that can apply only for command-line arguments.  */
439        if (ent->fts_level == FTS_ROOTLEVEL)
440          {
454            /* POSIX also says:
455               If a command line argument resolves to "/" (and --preserve-root
456               is in effect -- default) diagnose and skip it.  */
457            if (ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK (x->root_dev_ino, ent->fts_statp))
458              {
459                ROOT_DEV_INO_WARN (ent->fts_path);
460                fts_skip_tree (fts, ent);
461                return RM_ERROR;
462              }
571      }
572  }


457            if (ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK (x->root_dev_ino, ent->fts_statp))


459                ROOT_DEV_INO_WARN (ent->fts_path);

03.04 ROOT_DEV_INO_WARN() in lib/root-dev-info.h

/* coreutils-8.30/lib/root-dev-ino.h#33 */

33  # define ROOT_DEV_INO_WARN(Dirname)                                 
34    do                                                                        
35      {                                                                       
36        if (STREQ (Dirname, "/"))                                             
37          error (0, 0, _("it is dangerous to operate recursively on %s"),     
38                 quoteaf (Dirname));                                  
39        else                                                          
40          error (0, 0,                                                        
41                 _("it is dangerous to operate recursively on %s (same as %s)"), 
42                 quoteaf_n (0, Dirname), quoteaf_n (1, "/"));         
43        error (0, 0, _("use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe")); 
44      }                                                                       
45    while (0)

第37行和43行打印的信息,和我们执行rm -rf /之后看到的信息完全一致。

root@intel-sharkbay-dh-02:/# rm -rf /
rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'
rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe

03.05 ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK() in lib/root-dev-info.h

/* coreutils-8.30/lib/root-dev-ino.h#30 */

30  # define ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK(Root_dev_ino, Dir_statbuf) 
31      (Root_dev_ino && SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, *Root_dev_ino))


/* coreutils-8.30/lib/same-inode.h#42 */

42  #  define SAME_INODE(a, b)    
43      ((a).st_ino == (b).st_ino 
44       && (a).st_dev == (b).st_dev)

到此为止,我们就完全看明白了为什么”rm -rf /”会被拒绝执行,因为现代版的rm命令已经已经针对野蛮的”rm -rf /”行为做了安全性检查。


在现代的Unix/Linux系统中,”rm -rf /”不再危险,因为rm命令本身做了相应的安全检查。也就是说,不但”rm -rf /“不危险,而且”rm -rf //”和”rm -rf /tmp/../“之类的也不危险。

虽然”rm -rf /“已经不再危险,但是”rm -rf /*“还是很危险滴,因为通配符‘*’的存在。如好奇,请在你的虚拟机中予以尝试 。但是,本人强烈不推荐这么做! 否则,如下类似的输出就会泛洪于你的终端之上,即使你立即按CTRL+C也于事无补,至少常见的系统命令诸如ls, rm是立马不见了。。。

root@hp-moonshot-03-c31:/# id -un
root@hp-moonshot-03-c31:/# rm -rf /*
rm: cannot remove '/boot/efi': Device or resource busy
rm: cannot remove '/dev/mqueue': Device or resource busy
rm: cannot remove '/dev/hugepages': Device or resource busy
rm: cannot remove '/dev/pts/1': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove '/proc/63/mountstats': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove '/proc/63/clear_refs': Operation not permitted
root@hp-moonshot-03-c31:/# ls
bash: /usr/bin/ls: No such file or directory


root# rm -rf /*
root# rm -rf /bin /boot /dev /etc /home /lib /lib64 /lost+found /media /misc /mnt /net /nfs /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /srv /sys /tmp /usr /var


!!! NEVER TRY “rm -rf /*” !!!

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独自遨游何稽首 揭天掀地慰生平


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