这篇文章分为三个部分,第一页为GoStop在sk-gaming页子上的回帖,第二页为事件非官方无责任简评,第三页为WCG WarCraft III TFT的英文版规则。









  此外,因为我知道sky看了我的rep,我就选了一张别个地图。虽然Twisted Meadows对阵人族的时候会稍有优势,可我必须选择Turtle Rock这张我疏于练习的地图。我想在Echo Isle上布置不同的战术,可已经没有时间与地方让我准备了。




  *.1 根据GoStop的意思是,就是这里,他应该在比赛前就上诉以让组委剥夺sky晋级的资格,而不是听从赛事管理员的话在赛后提出,这让他错失了最佳时机。

  *.2 这个违规在下页中有相关解释。

  *.3 GoStop一直在强调对sky的处罚轻了,对他不公平,可这不是公平不公平的问题。你觉得一个杀了100个人的罪犯理所应当的判死刑,而一个杀了1个人的罪犯就得从轻发落?这不是公平,这是纵容犯罪。既然规则这么规定了,那么也就无所谓公平不公平了,这是规则的问题,不是选手的问题。

  *.4 第一种解释:是想让sky不看他的rep获得胜利;第二种解释:sky在比赛中不应该用那种专门克他的战术,要用平常的战术来应对。




  关于sky被判黄牌的规定在:Penalty for Unfair Play  5) If referee decides that external conditions (Press, Team Leader, Player, Spectator, etc) give unfair advantage to a player, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion. (如果仲裁人员认为客观情形给予了某玩家不公平的好处,则由仲裁人员对该玩家决定给予警告或直接使其失去比赛资格)

  关于比赛录像的规定在:3) During a Match  g) Players may not transmit replay files created during the tournament operation in any shape or form to outside sources. If a player is found to be in violation of this regulation, all of that player’s matches will be declared loss by disqualification。(参赛者不能擅自传播比赛录像,如果被发现这种行为,将被判失去比赛资格)

  我们注意到后一条是出自WCG Player Regulation(WCG选手规则),从逻辑上讲其效用应该高于前一条所出自的WC3 Game Rule(魔兽比赛规则)……(得出什么结论大家自己想吧)

  同样出自WCG Player Regulation中,PENALTY FOR UNFAIR PLAY, 2) Causes for Warning or Disqualification d) Abusive speech and behavior against the tournament staff (referees, etc.) and/or other players (对比赛工作人员或者其他选手的辱骂行为应当得到警告或者剥夺资格)不知道GoStop是不是因为已经打输了比赛所以这个处罚对他无作用而没有任何宣布呢?(注意,竞技比赛中选手虽然输了比赛但严格的说并不代表他退出了比赛,而选手规则是对所有参赛选手作用的)

  论坛原帖:Click to View






  至于有些人喊GoStop是中途愤概退出EI地图的,那么GoStop到底是不是成心想退出呢,有两种情况,一是故意退出,一是觉得自己无力挽回颓势。不过这都是废话了,显然那小样是挽回不了颓势,或者我们看到这样的情况感觉sky赢定了,其实原则上不是的,这里我要加一个猜测了,跟那菲律宾的闺女学的,还是引用WCG的规则,Disconnections条目中有一则是:- If the winner can not be decided by analyzing the match replay file, the players  must agree to a match restart or forfeit the match. 意思是:若依比赛录像不能确定获胜方的话,那么选手必须同意重新比赛或者有一名自己认输。下面不用我再多说了吧,这个小GoStop会不会是再想重打一次呢,在这种看天气的比赛里谁也不知道下场结果如何。只是,现场的裁判这次没有像上次一样给他再一次的机会而已。另外,在这个条目中还有一则,是给GoStop的,-  Intentional Disconnection: Upon judgment by the referee, any  offending player will be charged with a loss by forfeit,意思是:若有人故意断开链接,经由裁判确认之后,那名引起断线的选手将被判负。

  下面说sky的那张黄牌,它的大概出处来源于Penalty for Unfair Play里的第五条:If referee decides that external conditions (Press, Team Leader,  Player, Spectator, etc) give unfair advantage to a player, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion. 意思 是:若裁判认为有人给了另外一名选手可能造成比赛不公平的好处,这名选手会被施以警告或者被直接判负。不过带usb key的人是Syc,那么他将录像带了出来并且散发,他有没有受到惩罚呢?


  这里再贴几个GoStop的小趣闻,其一就是sky提到的CHINA = SPACE?(中国=荒芜之地),另外一件就是从论坛大大bleedkaga那里得知的,某年某月某小韩联赛,GoStop对阵Soju,在建图的时侯Soju用错了地图版本,GoStop明知错了,可他并没有告知现场裁判,当他输了之后,这小子立马跳将了出来,说Soju用了错误的地图版本,称Soju的行为是作弊,最后根据规则,他且飘逸且笑容满面的成为了获胜方。在WC3L中跟suho的那场,GoStop又输了,于是他把上述过程又笑容满面的上演了一遍。

《冰封王座》道歉与辩解 焦点人物GoStop的回应-编程之家


  附WCG WAR3规则英文版:

–  Competition Method : 1 vs. 1
–  Group Full league is single round match.
–  The first and second place from each Group Full League will qualify
–  Group Full League qualification process
1) Points (Win: 3 points, Loss: 0 points, No Ties)
2)  In case of tie:
–  Winner of match between the players who tied
– Rematch if tie is not broken by above conditions
 –  Single Elimination Tournament: Best 2 out of 3
–  Match Length: Until the winner is determined
–  If there is no battle for a certain amount of time during the match and the winner cannot be decided clearly, the match is restarted at the sole discretion of the referee.
–  Match Winner: The player who completely destroys the opponent or if the opponent surrenders
–  WCG may install third party program and/or join as an observer for tournament operations purposes, such as verifying match results or gathering match data
–  All participants must submit a signed “Participant Agreement” form.
–  Participants born after Oct 18, 1989 must submit a parental consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Game Settings
–  Race Selection: Free Choice, Random is allowed. (Players must notify their race selection to the referee before the start of the match. If a player changes the race without referee’s permission, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion.)
–  Game Speed: Fastest
–  Maps: Terenas Stand, Twisted Meadow, Turtle Rock, Echo Isle
(* Each map may be modified by the WCG committee. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications)
–  The map selection may be changed prior to the tournament. Players will be informed of any such changes before the tournament.
–  Full League Map Rotation will be notified on Oct 1, 2006 through the WCG website.
–  Single Tournament Maps will be selected at the venue.
–  Single Tournament Map Selection Method
1) Both players select a map of their choice from the official maps.
(Maps used for matches 1 and 2.)
2)  The third match map is drawn by the referee.
3)  If both players select the same map, the second and third match maps are drawn by the referee.
–  After the match is over, the players must allow the referee to check the match results and save the replay file. If the replay file is not saved, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion.
Tournament Server Settings
–  Lock Teams : Yes
–  Teams Together : No
–  Full shared unit control : No
–  Random races : No
–  Random hero : No
–  Observers : Full Observers
–  Visibility : Default
  –  Disconnection: Any disconnection of the connection between match players due to System, Network, PC, and/or Power problems/issues
–  Intentional Disconnection: Upon judgment by the referee, any offending player will be charged with a loss by forfeit
–  When any disconnection occurs: 
  1) If disconnection occurs within 3 minutes of start of match: match restart
2)  If disconnection occurs after 3 minutes of start of match: 
  –  If both players agree to a match restart, the match will be restarted.
– If the players cannot reach an agreement, the winner will be determined by a referee after the analysis of the match replay file.
– If the winner can not be decided by analyzing the match replay file, the players must agree to a match restart or forfeit the match.
Intentional Use of Game/Program Bugs: A warning at the minimum or loss by default
  – Intentional use of any program bugs will result in a warning at the minimum or loss by default for the offending player.
Penalty for Unfair Play
–  Unfair Play
1) Use of any map hack program
2)  Intentional disconnection
3)  Use of any settings exceeding standard and permitted settings
4) Any unnecessary chatting during the match.
5) If referee decides that external conditions (Press, Team Leader, Player, Spectator, etc) give unfair advantage to a player, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion.
– Upon discovery of any player committing any violations regarded as unfair play, that player will be disqualified from the tournament.
– During the course of any match, the operations staff and/or referee may determine other actions to be unfair play at any time.
These rules are for the WCG 2006 Grand Final and are subject to modification in the following aspects. 
–  Use of most recent patch/version release of each official game within WCG committee’s own discretion.
–  In-game settings and required factors necessitated by use of most recent patch version/release
–  Cheat Protection Program release and/or cheat protection functions