

This lab is a revision of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), and the

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and an introduction to the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) and the


The outcomes from the lab are to be handed in as a “folder” of results, showing that

you have completed the steps of the lab successfully. A box in the right-hand

margin indicates where an outcome is expected – like this:

The Matlab programs you write will be short: you can print them out if you wish, but

hand-written listings are OK too. Sketch graphs are also OK.

1. Getting Started

In your home directory, create the subdirectories “EBU6018” and “EBU6018/lab1”.

Start Matlab. Use “cd ” to get into the directory “lab1” you have just


2. Discrete Fourier Transform

In Matlab, type “edit” to start the Matlab editor.

Create a Matlab function in the file “dft.m” to calculate the Discrete Fourier

Transform of a signal. Recall that the DFT is given by [Qian, eqn (2.34)]

[NB: The “j” is missing in Qian’s definition of WN on p33.]


• Start your function with

function sw = dft(st)

so “st” is the time waveform vector, and “sw” is the frequency waveform vector

• Matlab vectors (e.g. st and sw) start from 1, not zero, so use “n-1” and “m-1” to

refer to the appropriate element

• Assume that N=M, and use the “length(st)” to find the value to use for these.

An example outline for your Matlab function is provided below.

EBU6018 Advanced Transform Methods

Lab 1: DFT, FFT and STFT

Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Example DFT function outline in Matlab

Generate some waveforms to test your function. Test your dft on at least the

following signals:

• Uniform function: “s=ones(1,64);”

• Delta function: “s = ((1:64)= =1);”

[NB: “1:64” generates the vector (1 2 … 64) ].

• Sine wave: “s = sin(((1:64)-1)*2*pi*w/100)” for various values of w.

Why do we need to use “(1:64)-1”?

What values of w give the cleanest dft?

What happens if we use “cos”?

• Symmetrical rectangular pulse: “s = [0:31 32:-1:1]

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