
by freeCodeCamp


每个新编码员都需要25种工具 (25 Tools Every New Coder Needs)

1.现代浏览器 (1. A Modern Browser)

Chrome和Firefox速度很快,并且具有对于Web开发人员至关重要的调试控制台。 您仍然应该在Internet Explorer(以及不久之后的Microsoft Edge)以及Safari中进行测试,但是应该使用Chrome或Firefox完成工作。 (Chrome and Firefox are fast and have debugging consoles that are critical for web developers. You should still test in Internet Explorer (and soon Microsoft Edge), as well as in Safari, but you should get work done using Chrome or Firefox.)

在或免费 (Free at or

2.阿尔弗雷德 (2. Alfred)

可以将Alfred视为OSX Spotlight的涡轮增压版本。 Alfred充当整个计算机的命令行,可帮助您使用通用热键从任何地方启动应用程序,播放音乐和执行搜索。 免费版本几乎包含所有内容,但是一旦您本能地每天使用Alfred数十次,您可能会大为抢购20美元的Powerpack。 (Think of Alfred as a turbocharged version of OSX’s Spotlight. Alfred serves as a command line for your entire computer, helping you launch apps, play music and perform searches, from anywhere, with a universal hotkey. The free version comes with almost everything, but once you instinctively use Alfred dozens of times a day, you’ll probably splurge for the $20 powerpack.)

在免费 (Free at

3. (3.

Devdocs是一个API文档浏览器。 (Devdocs is an API documentation browser.)

在免费 (Free at

4.救援时间 (4. Rescue Time)

在您的数字生活中有如此多的干扰和可能性,很容易分散。 RescueTime可帮助您了解自己的日常习惯,从而使您专注于工作并提高工作效率。 救援时间在计算机和移动设备上安全地在后台运行。 它跟踪在应用程序和网站上花费的时间,为您提供一天的准确情况,并根据您的活动为您提供详细的报告和数据,以帮助您提高工作效率。 (With so many distractions and possibilities in your digital life, it’s easy to get scattered. RescueTime helps you understand your daily habits so you can focus and be more productive. Rescue Time runs securely in the background on your computer and mobile devices. It tracks time spent on applications and websites, giving you an accurate picture of your day and gives you detailed reports and data based on your activity to help you become more productive every day.)

您还可以设定目标,以帮助您保持进度并进一步提高生产力。 您的进度可以在仪表板上,每周电子邮件报告和目标报告中查看。 (You can also set goals to help keep you on track and further improve your productivity. Your progress can be viewed on your dashboard, in a weekly email report and in a goals report.) (

5.眼镜(或Divvy) (5. Spectacle (or Divvy))

不要最大化,最小化或拖动窗口-使用热键管理它们的位置! 当您要将两个窗口彼此相邻放置时,眼镜可以节省时间。 它还可以在监视器之间循环窗口,如果您使用多个屏幕,这是完美的选择。 Divvy的效果更好,但是Spectacle是免费的。 (Don’t maximize, minimize or drag windows — manage their positions with hotkeys! Spectacle saves time when you want to position two windows next to one another. It can also cycle windows between monitors, which is perfect if you use multiple screens. Divvy works even better, but Spectacle is free.)

在上免费或在上免费$ 14 (Free at or $14 at

6.一个IDE (6. An IDE)

文本编辑器可以很好地处理简单的脚本,但是一旦您的项目变得复杂,则应切换到集成开发环境。 一个好的IDE将提供版本控制,测试,javascript linting和diff工具。 最重要的是,它将提供合理的默认配置。 JetBrains为JavaScript,Ruby,Python和PHP提供了出色的IDE。 (Text editors work fine for working with simple scripts, but once your project gets complicated, you should switch to an Integrated Development Environment. A good IDE will offer version control, testing, javascript linting, and diff tools. Most importantly, it will offer sane default configurations. JetBrains makes great IDEs for JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and PHP.)

免费试用,然后$ 79 (Free trial, then $79

7.原子(或崇高) (7. Atom (or Sublime))

GitHub的免费文本编辑器非常适合编写小的脚本或处理对IDE而言太大的文件。 它允许您使用宏和其他省时的文本编辑技术。 Sublime Text的效果更好,如果您经常使用它,那么值得花70美元注册。 (GitHub’s free text editor is great for writing small scripts or manipulating files too big for IDEs. It allows you to use macros and other time-saving text editing techniques. Sublime Text works even better, and may be worth the $70 to register if you use it a lot.)

在或免费 (Free at or

8. OhMyZSH (8. OhMyZSH)

如果您根本不在终端上花费任何时间,那么值得下载。 从命令行输出的ZSH颜色代码。 它还显示了重要的视觉提示,例如您在哪个git分支上以及您的最后一条命令在何时运行完毕。 它的制表符完成和自动更正功能同样可以节省大量时间。 (If you spend any time in terminal at all, this is worth the download. ZSH color codes output from your command line. It also shows important visual cues, like which git branch you’re on, and at what time your last command finished running. Its tab completion and autocorrect are huge time savers as well.)

在免费 (Free at

9. Skitch (9. Skitch)

使用全局热键获取屏幕截图(或部分屏幕截图),然后快速用箭头和大文字标记屏幕截图(默认颜色是粉红色!)。 您可以轻松导出为各种格式,也可以将屏幕截图拖放到其他应用中。 由于Evernote拥有分支,它将自动将您的所有屏幕快照备份在那里。 (Take screenshots (or partial screenshots) with a global hotkey, then quickly mark up your screenshot with arrows and big text (the default color is hot pink!). You can easily export to various formats, or drag and drop screenshots to other apps. Since Evernote owns skitch, it will automatically back up all your screenshots there.)

在免费 (Free at

10. SourceTree (10. SourceTree)

这是Git最好的图形用户界面,它是免费的(尽管您必须将其注册到电子邮件地址)。 即使您从命令行执行大部分的Git,当您需要执行更复杂的Git任务(例如反向提交,复杂的合并或挑选)时,“源树”仍然会很有用。 (This is the best graphic user interface for Git out there, and it’s free (though you’ll have to register it to an email address). Even if you do a majority of your Git from the command line, Source Tree is still helpful when you need to perform more complex Git tasks (like reverse commits, complicated merges or cherry picks).)

在免费 (Free at

11.特洛洛 (11. Trello)

该虚拟看板非常适合与小型团队一起管理小型产品。 Trello比Jira更具视觉感(和触觉),而比Pivotal Tracker则没有教条主义。 它可以用于从精美的待办事项列表到启用了API的sprint故事协调器的所有内容。 (This virtual KanBan is great for managing small products with small teams. Trello is much more visual (and tactile) than Jira, and less dogmatic than Pivotal Tracker. It can be used for everything from a fancy to-do list to an API-enabled sprint story coordinator.)

在免费 (Free at

12.通用控制键(快捷键)快捷方式 (12. Universal Control Key (Bash) Shortcuts)

您每次触及箭头键的那数百次加起来。 这段90秒的视频可以节省您数天的清醒生活。 这些通用快捷方式在整个OSX(以及通过SSH进入Linux机顶盒)中均可使用。 (Those hundreds of times you reach for the arrow keys each time add up. This 90 second video could save you days of your waking life. These universal shortcuts work throughout OSX (as well as when you’re SSH’d into a Linux box).)

免费(包含在OSX中) (Free (included in OSX))

13. ScreenHero (13. ScreenHero)

如果您要进行任何远程配对,那么您肯定要使用Screen Hero。 它比企业替代方案(Citrix,LogMeIn)便宜,并且比Skype更快。 每个用户也可以获得自己的鼠标和键盘! 只有一个人需要拥有一个付费的Screen Hero帐户才能使用。 Team Viewer具有类似的功能,可供个人免费使用。 (If you do any remote pairing at all, you definitely want to use Screen Hero. It’s cheaper than enterprise alternatives (Citrix, LogMeIn), and faster than Skype. Each user gets his or her own mouse and keyboard, too! Only one person needs to have a paid Screen Hero account in order to use it. Team Viewer has similar functionality and is free for personal use.)

Slack最近获得了Screen Hero,但您仍然可以在此处免费下载它: http : // (Slack recently acquired Screen Hero, but you can still download it here for free:

14.文件库 (14. File Vault)

确保启用OSX的内置硬盘加密器File Vault。 这样,即使您的笔记本电脑被盗,您的身份,代码和数据也是安全的。 (Be sure to enable File Vault, OSX’s built-in hard drive encryptor. This way, even if your laptop is stolen, your identity, code and data are secure.)

免费(包含在OSX中) (Free (included in OSX))

15.时间机器 (15. Time Machine)

OSX包括一个名为Time Machine的轻松备份系统。 即使将所有文件存储在Dropbox,Evernote或Google Drive中,您可能也不想花费数小时来重新配置开发环境。 将外部硬盘驱动器放在您的桌子上,不时插入一次以自动备份所有内容。 Time Machine将每隔10天开始提醒您这样做。 (OSX includes a hassle-free backup system called Time Machine. Even if you’re storing all your files in Dropbox, Evernote or Google Drive, you probably don’t want to spend hours reconfiguring your development environment. Put an external hard drive on your desk and plug it in once every once in a while to automatically back everything up. Time Machine will start reminding you do so every 10 days.)

免费(包含在OSX中) (Free (included in OSX))

16.云存储 (16. Cloud Storage)

云存储不仅可以让您在与同事协作时轻松共享文件,还可以作为防火备份贵重的照片和视频(在世界各地的许多服务器中使用)。空间每年都在变得便宜。 例如,Google云端硬盘上的额外空间仅为$ 0.25 / GB /年。 (Cloud storage not only allows you to easily share files when collaborating with colleagues, it also serves as a fire-proof backup precious photos and videos (in many servers in many places around the world.) Space gets cheaper every year. For example, additional space on Google Drive is only $0.25/gigabyte/year.)

在或上免费 (Free at or

17. LastPass / 1Password / PassPack (17. LastPass / 1Password /PassPack)

平均每个人每年浪费数小时来重置他们忘记的密码。 这样的密码工具通过存储和自动填充密码来节省时间和精力。 它们还允许您为每个站点使用长而唯一的密码,从而使黑客几乎不可能破解您的密码。 (The average person wastes hours each year resetting passwords they’ve forgotten. Password tools like these save time and mental energy by storing and autofilling your passwords. They also allow you to have long, unique passwords for each site, making it almost impossible for hackers to crack your password.)

在或或免费 (Free at or or

18.私人浏览/隐身模式 (18. Private Browsing / Incognito mode)

许多人不知道这种情况的存在,但是浏览时您可以轻松地从网站隐藏您的身份。 在Google Chrome浏览器中,按Command + Shift + N。 在Firefox中,按Command + Shift + P。 另外,这对于在同一台计算机上运行两个浏览器会话很有帮助,有时还可以帮助您绕开NYTimes.com之类的付费网站。 (A lot of people don’t realize this exists, but you can easily hide your identity from websites when browsing. In Google Chrome, press Command+Shift+N. In Firefox, press Command+Shift+P. As a bonus, this is helpful for running two browser sessions on the same computer, and it can sometimes help you to get around pay-walled sites like

免费(包括在Chrome和Firefox中) (Free (included in Chrome and Firefox))

19.消息传递工具 (19. A Messaging Tool)

我们的团队研究并尝试了许多不同的消息传递工具。 在我们喜欢的所有用户中,Gitter最适合进行中的聊天室,发送私人消息,创建特定于群组需求的用户渠道以及简单的文件共享。 除非您需要25人以上的私人房间,否则Gitter是完全免费的。 当您在台式机和移动设备之间移动时,Gitter可帮助您使所有人保持同步。 (Our team has looked at and tried many different Messaging tools. Of all them we like, Gitter is the best for an ongoing chat room, sending private messages, creating user channels specific to groups need’s and simple file sharing. Unless you need a private room with more than 25 people, Gitter is completely free. Gitter helps you keep everyone in sync as you move between your desktop and mobile devices.)

在http://gitter.im免费 (Free at

20. StackExchange (20. StackExchange)

很难想象2008年之前的编程。 那时工程师们通过创建StackOverflow放下了第一条胶带,现在将软件工程专业带到了一起。 现在有ServerFault,SuperUser和我们个人最喜欢的UX Exchange。 谷歌有任何错误消息都很有可能导致您进入Stack Overflow帖子,这是有充分的理由的。 创建一个帐户,并通过回答问题和支持有用的答案将其转发。 (It’s tough to imagine programming in the pre-2008. That’s when engineers put down the first strips of the duct tape that now holds the software engineering profession together by creating StackOverflow. And now there’s ServerFault, SuperUser and, our personal favorite, UX Exchange. There’s a good chance whatever error message you google will lead you to Stack Overflow post, and for good reason. Create an account and pay it forward by answering questions and upvoting helpful answers.)

在免费 (Free at

21.助焊剂 (21. Flux)

如果经过漫长的夜晚盯着电脑屏幕后仍无法入睡,Flux将为您服务! 您的昼夜节律不能分辨出阳光和显示器的光亮之间的差异。 这个免费的工具会在日落期间和日落之后逐渐改变计算机的颜色。 (If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping after a long night of staring at your computer screen, Flux is for you! Your circadian rhythm can’t tell the difference between sunlight and the glow of a monitor. This free tool gradually changes your computer’s colors during and after sunset.)

在免费 (Free at

22.领英 (22. LinkedIn)

没有LinkedIn,您根本不在大多数雇主和招聘人员的注意范围之内。 领英快速提示:1)与所有人保持联系。 2)详细介绍您的工作经历,所参加的在线课程以及所获得的认证。 3)如果您收到招聘人员的不相关或不受欢迎的消息,请不要抱怨他们。 只是礼貌地回应,或者简单地忽略它们。 (Without LinkedIn, you are simply off most employers’ and recruiters’ radars. Some quick LinkedIn tips: 1) connect with everyone you can. 2) Go into detail on your work history, online courses you’ve taken and certifications you’ve earned. 3) If you receive irrelevant or unwelcome messages from recruiters, don’t whine about them. Just respond politely or simply ignore them.)

在http://www.linkedin.com免费 (Free at

23.聚会 (23. Meetups)

除了参加晚间演讲,混音和黑客之夜,没有比建立更快的专业网络和接触新想法更快的方法了。 这些活动很多都是免费的,通常在晚餐时间开始。 有些甚至包括食物! 转到Eventbrite.com或Meetup.com并浏览您所在地区的事件。 (There’s no faster way to build your professional network and get exposure to new ideas than to attend evening talks, mixers and hack nights. Many of these events are free, and they usually start around dinner time. Some even include food! Go to or and browse the events in your area.)

在和免费 (Free at and

24.推特 (24. Twitter)

尽管Twitter可以分享您脑海中浮现的所有想法,但其真正的价值是实时交流。 您想与之交谈的许多人都拥有Twitter帐户,您会对他们对您发的推文的回复频率(Swift)感到惊讶。 请确保使用简要描述相关的个人资料照片(头像效果最好)。 并保持积极的态度! (While Twitter makes it possible to share every thought that pops into your mind, it’s real value is real-time communication. Many people you’ll want to talk with have Twitter accounts, and you’ll be surprised at how often (and quickly) they’ll respond to a tweet from you. Be sure to use a profile photo (headshots work best) with a short, relevant description. And keep things positive!)

在http://www.twitter.com免费 (Free at

25. Google(或DuckDuckGo) (25. Google (or DuckDuckGo))

人们常说,生产力最高的编码器会在Google早期且经常使用Google。 可能有人遇到了您遇到的任何问题,并在博客或StackOverflow上发布了答案。 如果您可以阐明问题,通常可以搜索解决方案。 (It is often said that the most productive coders google early and often. Chances are someone has encountered whatever problem you’re stuck on, and posted an answer on a blog or StackOverflow. If you can articulate your problem, you can usually search up a solution.)

免费访问 (Free at

使用工具,繁荣昌盛! 如果您想提高编码水平,请访问 。 (Use tools and prosper! And if you want to get better at coding, check out

