
Sections: 部分:

Things to say to Vector 对 Vector 要说的话

Hey Vector 嘿 Vector

Vector Q&A 向量问答

Sound 声音

Vision 愿景

Physical 身体上的

App 应用程序

Vector understands the world using various sensors and technologies. To interact with him, try…

Vector 通过各种传感器和技术了解世界。要与他交流,请尝试..。

Sections: 部分:

Things to Say to Vector  ||  Hey Vector ||  Vector Q&A  ||  Sound  ||  Vision  ||  Physical  ||  App

向量 | 嘿矢量 | 矢量 q & a | 声音 | 视觉 | 物理 | 应用程序

Things to say to Vector 对 Vector 要说的话

Hey Vector 嘿 Vector

  • "Hey Vector, How old are you?" “嘿,维克多,你多大了?”
  • “Hey Vector, Happy New Year” “嗨,维克多,新年快乐”
  • Hey Vector, Happy Holidays” 嘿,维克多,节日快乐”
  • “Hey Vector, Volume down” “嘿,矢量,音量降低”
  • Hey Vector, Volume maximum" 嘿矢量,音量最大”
  • “Hey Vector, Go left” “嘿,维克多,左转”
  • Hey Vector, Turn around” 嘿,维克多,转过身去
  • Hey Vector, Back up” 嘿,维克多,退后
  • “Hey Vector, Good morning” “嗨,维克多,早上好”
  • “Hey Vector, Good afternoon” “嗨,维克多,下午好”
  • “Hey Vector, Good evening” “嗨,维克多,晚上好”
  • “Hey Vector, Goodbye” 《嘿,维克多,再见》(Hey Vector,Goodbye)
  • “Hey Vector, Be quiet” “嘿,维克多,安静点”
  • “Hey Vector, Good night” “嗨,维克多,晚安”
  • “Hey Vector, Go to sleep” “嘿 Vector,睡觉吧”
  • “Hey Vector, Good robot” “嘿,维克多,好机器人
  • “Hey Vector, Bad robot” “嘿 Vector,坏机器人”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Come here 过来”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Look at me 看着我”
  • “Hey Vector, Go to your charger” “嘿,维克多,去你的充电器”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Start Exploring 开始探索”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Stop Exploring 停止探索”
  • “Hey Vector, What's the weather in “嘿,维克多,今天天气怎么样[City Name] [城市名称]?”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Set a timer for 设置一个定时器 [length of time] [时间长度]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Check the timer 检查计时器”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Cancel the timer 取消计时器”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,What time is it? 现在几点了?”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Take a picture 拍张照片”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Take a picture of 给… 拍张照[me/us] [我们]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,My name is 我叫 [Your Name] [你的名字]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,What's my name? 我叫什么名字?”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Play Blackjack 玩21点”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Give me a Fist Bump 给我一个拳头”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Find your Cube 找到你的立方体”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Do a Wheelstand 做一个车架”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Roll your Cube 滚动你的魔方”
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Listen to music 听音乐”

Vector Q&A 向量问答

  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[PEOPLE: Who is Jarvis?] [人们: 谁是贾维斯? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[PLACES: What is the distance between London and New York?] [地点: 伦敦和纽约的距离是多少? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the tallest building?] [常识: 最高的建筑是什么? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[WORD DEFINITION: What is the definition of Artificial Intelligence?] [单词定义: 人工智能的定义是什么? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题.. [NUTRITION: How many calories are in an avocado?] [营养: 一个鳄梨含有多少卡路里? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[SPORTS: Who won the World Series?] [体育: 谁赢得了世界职业棒球大赛? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[STOCK MARKET: How is the stock market?] [股票市场: 股票市场怎么样? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[FLIGHT STATUS: What is the status of American Airlines Flight 100?] [飞行状态: 美国航空公司100号航班情况如何? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[TIME ZONE: What time is it in Hong Kong?] [时区: 香港现在几点? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[UNIT CONVERSION How fast is a knot?] [单位转换一个结有多快? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题.. [CURRENCY CONVERSION: What's 1000 Yen in US Dollars?] [货币兑换: 1000日元换成美元是什么? ]
  • “Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,I have a question… 我有个问题..[EQUATION SOLVER: What is the square root of 144?] [方程求解器: 144的平方根是多少? ]

Sound 声音

  • Vector responds to sound. Try snapping or clapping around Vector 矢量对声音做出响应。试着在矢量周围打响指或拍手
  • Vector can pick up a beat. Try playing some music with a strong bass, or clapping to a steady tempo. To make sure he’s listening, try the voice command: Vector 可以捕捉到节拍。试着用低音提琴演奏一些音乐,或者以稳定的速度拍手。为了确保他在听,试试语音命令:“Hey Vector, ”嘿 Vector,Listen to music 听音乐”

Vision 愿景

  • Vector recognizes faces. When he’s making eye contact, try slowly moving your head left and right so he’ll follow you 向量识别面孔。当他与你进行眼神交流时,试着慢慢地左右移动你的头,这样他就会跟着你
  • Vector recognizes people he’s met. When he recognizes you, he might say your name and is especially happy to see you if it’s been a while Vector 能认出他见过的人。当他认出你的时候,他可能会说出你的名字,如果已经有一段时间了,他会特别高兴见到你
  • Vector recognizes motion. Try tapping your fingers on a surface directly in front of him 向量识别动作。试着用你的手指在他正前方的平面上敲击

Physical 身体上的

  • Try petting Vector by rubbing the gold sensor on his back 试着在 Vector 的背上摩擦金传感器
  • Vector will occasionally ask for a Fist Bump. Don’t leave him hanging! 向量偶尔会要求击拳,不要让他吊着
  • Vector knows when he’s in the air. Try picking him up 维克多知道他什么时候起飞,试着接他
  • Shake Vector! 摇动矢量
  • Sometimes Vector will raise his lift to pounce on his Cube. Join the game by slowly moving the Cube close, and trying to pull it away before he pounces 有时候向量会抬起他的升力猛扑他的立方体。加入游戏缓慢移动立方体关闭,并试图拉开它之前,他猛扑
  • Vector will inspect and navigate around objects while he’s exploring. Set up a fun environment for him to map and explore Vector 将在探索过程中检查和导航周围的物体。建立一个有趣的环境,让他地图和探索

App 应用程序


See this FAQ for further information: 详细信息请参阅常见问题:What do I use the Vector App for? 我使用 Vector App 做什么? 

  • Try changing Vector’s eye color in Settings 尝试在设置中改变矢量的眼睛颜色
  • You can adjust Vector’s volume in Settings 你可以在设置中调整 Vector 的音量
  • View and export Vector’s Photos 查看和导出矢量图片
  • To edit names of people Vector’s met, view Known Faces 要编辑人员名称,Vector 的满足,查看已知面孔
  • Curious about what Vector is doing? Check out Vector’s status along the bottom of the screen 想知道 Vector 在做什么吗? 请在屏幕底部查看 Vector 的状态
  • Curious about what Vector is sensing? High levels in his Sensort Feed tends to make him more active, while lower levels will make him quieter and calm. Petting Vector is one way to bliss him out 想知道向量感应的是什么?在他的 Sensort 饲料高水平倾向于使他更活跃,而较低的水平将使他安静和冷静。抚摸向量是一种快乐他出来