

    • 系统管理总线协议概要
    • 系统管理总线 关键标记表
    • SMBus接口函数
      • 1. SMBus Quick Command
      • 2. SMBus接收字节函数:i2c_smbus_read_byte()
      • 3. SMBus发送字节函数:i2c_smbus_write_byte()
      • 4. SMBus读取字节函数:i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()
      • 5. SMBus读取字(两字节)函数:i2c_smbus_read_word_data()
      • 6. SMBus写字节函数:i2c_smbus_write_byte_data()
      • 7. SMBus写字(两字节)函数:i2c_smbus_write_word_data()
      • 8. 字的写读过程调用:SMBus Process Call
      • 9. SMBus(Block Read)读块数据:i2c_smbus_read_block_data()
      • 10. SMBus(Block Write)写块数据: i2c_smbus_write_block_data()
      • 11. 块数据的读写过程调用:SMBus Block Write – Block Read Process Call
    • I2C块数据传输(I2C Block Transactions)
      • I2C读块数据(I2C Block Read):i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data()
      • I2C写块数据(I2C Block Write)
    • i2c_smbus_xfer()






Because not every I2C or SMBus adapter implements everything in the 
I2C specifications, a client can not trust that everything it needs
is implemented when it is given the option to attach to an adapter:
the client needs some way to check whether an adapter has the needed
(因为并不是每一个I2C或SMBus适配器实现I2C的一切规范,客户端可以不相信一切需要实现时选择连接到适配器:客户端需要一些方法来检查适配器是否所需的功能。)FUNCTIONALITY CONSTANTS(功能常量)
For the most up-to-date list of functionality constants, please check
<linux/i2c.h>!I2C_FUNC_I2C                    Plain i2c-level commands (Pure SMBusadapters typically can not do these)/普通的iic级别命令(纯SMBus适配器通常不能执行这些操作)I2C_FUNC_10BIT_ADDR             Handles the 10-bit address extensions /处理10位地址扩展I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING      Knows about the I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK,I2C_M_REV_DIR_ADDR and I2C_M_NO_RD_ACKflags (which modify the I2C protocol!)I2C_FUNC_NOSTART                Can skip repeated start sequence /可以跳过重复的开始序列I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_QUICK            Handles the SMBus write_quick commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE        Handles the SMBus read_byte commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE       Handles the SMBus write_byte commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE_DATA   Handles the SMBus read_byte_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE_DATA  Handles the SMBus write_byte_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_WORD_DATA   Handles the SMBus read_word_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_WORD_DATA  Handles the SMBus write_byte_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PROC_CALL        Handles the SMBus process_call commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA  Handles the SMBus read_block_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BLOCK_DATA Handles the SMBus write_block_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_I2C_BLOCK   Handles the SMBus read_i2c_block_data commandI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_I2C_BLOCK  Handles the SMBus write_i2c_block_data commandA few combinations of the above flags are also defined for your convenience:为了方便起见,还定义了上述标志的一些组合I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE             Handles the SMBus read_byteand write_byte commandsI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA        Handles the SMBus read_byte_dataand write_byte_data commandsI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WORD_DATA        Handles the SMBus read_word_dataand write_word_data commandsI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA       Handles the SMBus read_block_dataand write_block_data commandsI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK        Handles the SMBus read_i2c_block_dataand write_i2c_block_data commandsI2C_FUNC_SMBUS_EMUL             Handles all SMBus commands that can beemulated by a real I2C adapter (usingthe transparent emulation layer)In kernel versions prior to 3.5 I2C_FUNC_NOSTART was implemented as
When you write a new adapter driver, you will have to implement a
function callback `functionality'. Typical implementations are given
below. /当你写一个新的适配器驱动,你将不得不实现一个函数回调“功能”。下面给出了典型的实现。A typical SMBus-only adapter would list all the SMBus transactions it
supports. This example comes from the i2c-piix4 driver:static u32 piix4_func(struct i2c_adapter *adapter){return I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_QUICK | I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE |I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA | I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WORD_DATA |I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA;}A typical full-I2C adapter would use the following (from the i2c-pxa
driver):static u32 i2c_pxa_functionality(struct i2c_adapter *adap){return I2C_FUNC_I2C | I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_EMUL;}I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_EMUL includes all the SMBus transactions (with the
addition of I2C block transactions) which i2c-core can emulate using
I2C_FUNC_I2C without any help from the adapter driver. The idea is
to let the client drivers check for the support of SMBus functions
without having to care whether the said functions are implemented in
hardware by the adapter, or emulated in software by i2c-core on top
of an I2C adapter.CLIENT CHECKING
---------------Before a client tries to attach to an adapter, or even do tests to check
whether one of the devices it supports is present on an adapter, it should
check whether the needed functionality is present. The typical way to do
this is (from the lm75 driver):static int lm75_detect(...){(...)if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA |I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WORD_DATA))goto exit;(...)}Here, the lm75 driver checks if the adapter can do both SMBus byte data
and SMBus word data transactions. If not, then the driver won't work on
this adapter and there's no point in going on. If the check above is
successful, then the driver knows that it can call the following
functions: i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(), i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(),
i2c_smbus_read_word_data() and i2c_smbus_write_word_data(). As a rule of
thumb, the functionality constants you test for with
i2c_check_functionality() should match exactly the i2c_smbus_* functions
which you driver is calling.Note that the check above doesn't tell whether the functionalities are
implemented in hardware by the underlying adapter or emulated in
software by i2c-core. Client drivers don't have to care about this, as
i2c-core will transparently implement SMBus transactions on top of I2C
---------------------If you try to access an adapter from a userspace program, you will have
to use the /dev interface. You will still have to check whether the
functionality you need is supported, of course. This is done using
the I2C_FUNCS ioctl. An example, adapted from the i2cdetect program, is
below:int file;if (file = open("/dev/i2c-0", O_RDWR) < 0) {/* Some kind of error handling */exit(1);}if (ioctl(file, I2C_FUNCS, &funcs) < 0) {/* Some kind of error handling */exit(1);}if (!(funcs & I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_QUICK)) {/* Oops, the needed functionality (SMBus write_quick function) isnot available! */exit(1);}/* Now it is safe to use the SMBus write_quick command */

系统管理总线 关键标记表

符号 大小 含义
S 1 bit 开始位(开始信号)
P 1 bit 停止位(停止信号)
Rd/Wr 1 bit 读/写 位,高电平(1)是读位,低电平(0)是写位
A, NA 1 bit Accept and reverse accept bit. 按照I2C协议,为应答位,低电平有效
Addr 7 bit I2C 7位地址。注意,可以像往常一样扩展它以获得一个10位的I2C地址。
Comm 8 bit 通常用于选择设备上的寄存器的数据字节,实际就是芯片片内寄存器地址
Data 8 bit 普通的数据字节
Count 8 bit 当为块操作时,为发送数据的字节数


1. SMBus Quick Command

操作时序:A Addr Rd/Wr [A] P

2. SMBus接收字节函数:i2c_smbus_read_byte()


/*** i2c_smbus_read_byte - SMBus "receive byte" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* This executes the SMBus "receive byte" protocol, returning negative errno* else the byte received from the device.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_read_byte(const struct i2c_client *client)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;int status;status = i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_READ, 0,I2C_SMBUS_BYTE, &data);return (status < 0) ? status : data.byte;


  • 1.有些设备比较简单,寄存器资源很少,这个接口就足够了。
  • 2.对于其他相对复杂的设备,如果想读跟先前的SMBus操作中一样的寄存器,可以使用该接口。
    操作时序:S Addr Rd [A] [Data] NA P

3. SMBus发送字节函数:i2c_smbus_write_byte()


/*** i2c_smbus_write_byte - SMBus "send byte" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @value: Byte to be sent* This executes the SMBus "send byte" protocol, returning negative errno* else zero on success.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_write_byte(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 value)
{return i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, value, I2C_SMBUS_BYTE, NULL);

操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Data [A] P

4. SMBus读取字节函数:i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()


/*** i2c_smbus_read_byte_data - SMBus "read byte" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @command: Byte interpreted by slave* This executes the SMBus "read byte" protocol, returning negative errno* else a data byte received from the device.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;int status;status = i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_READ, command,I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA, &data);return (status < 0) ? status : data.byte;

函数功能:从一个指定的寄存器中读取一个字节,该寄存器通过comm byte(芯片片内寄存器地址)指定
操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] S Addr Rd [A] [Data] NA P

5. SMBus读取字(两字节)函数:i2c_smbus_read_word_data()


/*** i2c_smbus_read_word_data - SMBus "read word" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @command: Byte interpreted by slave** This executes the SMBus "read word" protocol, returning negative errno* else a 16-bit unsigned "word" received from the device.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_read_word_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;int status;status = i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_READ, command,I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA, &data);return (status < 0) ? status : data.word;

函数功能:跟i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()的功能很相似:从一个指定的寄存器中读取数据,该寄存器通过comm byte(芯片片内寄存器地址)指定,不同的是,读取的数据为一个字(两字节)。
操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] S Addr Rd [A] [DataLow] A [DataHigh] NA P

即操作时序为:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] S Addr Rd [A] [DataHigh] A [DataLow] NA P

6. SMBus写字节函数:i2c_smbus_write_byte_data()


/*** i2c_smbus_write_byte_data - SMBus "write byte" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @command: Byte interpreted by slave* @value: Byte being written* This executes the SMBus "write byte" protocol, returning negative errno* else zero on success.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command, u8 value)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;data.byte = value;return i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, command,I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA, &data);

函数功能:与i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()函数的功能恰好相反:给一个设备写一个字节到指定的寄存器中,该寄存器通过comm byte(芯片片内寄存器地址)指定。
操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] Data [A] P

7. SMBus写字(两字节)函数:i2c_smbus_write_word_data()


/*** i2c_smbus_write_word_data - SMBus "write word" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @command: Byte interpreted by slave* @value: 16-bit "word" being written* This executes the SMBus "write word" protocol, returning negative errno* else zero on success.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_write_word_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command,u16 value)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;data.word = value;return i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, command,I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA, &data);

操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] DataLow [A] DataHigh [A] P
即操作时序为:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] DataHigh [A] DataLow [A] P

8. 字的写读过程调用:SMBus Process Call

过程调用第二个要求:“读写同址” 主设备发起repeat start来启动读的指令时,只需要对该从设备进行重复的寻址,而不需要再发起一个comm code(片内寄存器地址),因为这个片内寄存器地址在前面写的过程已经完成。所以主设备就不需要再告诉从设备读取数据的寄存器地址。所以称读写同址。
操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] DataLow [A] DataHigh [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [DataLow] A [DataHigh] NA P

9. SMBus(Block Read)读块数据:i2c_smbus_read_block_data()


/*** i2c_smbus_read_block_data - SMBus "block read" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @command: Byte interpreted by slave* @values: Byte array into which data will be read; big enough to hold*	the data returned by the slave.  SMBus allows at most 32 bytes.* This executes the SMBus "block read" protocol, returning negative errno* else the number of data bytes in the slave's response.** Note that using this function requires that the client's adapter support* the I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA functionality.  Not all adapter drivers* support this; its emulation through I2C messaging relies on a specific* mechanism (I2C_M_RECV_LEN) which may not be implemented.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_read_block_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command,u8 *values)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;int status;status = i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_READ, command,I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA, &data);if (status)return status;memcpy(values, &data.block[1], data.block[0]);return data.block[0];

操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [Count] A [Data] A [Data] A … A [Data] NA P

10. SMBus(Block Write)写块数据: i2c_smbus_write_block_data()


/*** i2c_smbus_write_block_data - SMBus "block write" protocol* @client: Handle to slave device* @command: Byte interpreted by slave* @length: Size of data block; SMBus allows at most 32 bytes* @values: Byte array which will be written.** This executes the SMBus "block write" protocol, returning negative errno* else zero on success.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_write_block_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command,u8 length, const u8 *values)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;if (length > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)length = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;data.block[0] = length;memcpy(&data.block[1], values, length);return i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, command,I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA, &data);

函数功能:与i2c_smbus_read_block_data() 函数功能恰恰相反,向某个设备从指定的偏移地址开始写最多32个字节的数据,数据的具体数量由Count指定。
操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] Count [A] Data [A] Data [A] … [A] Data [A] P

11. 块数据的读写过程调用:SMBus Block Write – Block Read Process Call

同 8. 字的写读过程调用:块数据的写读过程调用也有“先写后读”和“读写同址”的要求
操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] Count [A] Data [A] …
S Addr Rd [A] [Count] A [Data] … A P

I2C块数据传输(I2C Block Transactions)

I2C块数据传输是被SMBus layer支持的,但是不属于SMBus协议的范畴。

I2C读块数据(I2C Block Read):i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data()


/* Returns the number of read bytes */
s32 i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command,u8 length, u8 *values)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;int status;if (length > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)length = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;data.block[0] = length;status = i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_READ, command,I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA, &data);if (status < 0)return status;memcpy(values, &data.block[1], data.block[0]);return data.block[0];

操作时序:S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [Data] A [Data] A … A [Data] NA P

I2C写块数据(I2C Block Write)

s32 i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data(const struct i2c_client *client, u8 command,u8 length, const u8 *values)
{union i2c_smbus_data data;if (length > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)length = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;data.block[0] = length;memcpy(data.block + 1, values, length);return i2c_smbus_xfer(client->adapter, client->addr, client->flags,I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, command,I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA, &data);




/*** i2c_smbus_xfer - execute SMBus protocol operations* @adapter: Handle to I2C bus* @addr: Address of SMBus slave on that bus* @flags: I2C_CLIENT_* flags (usually zero or I2C_CLIENT_PEC)* @read_write: I2C_SMBUS_READ or I2C_SMBUS_WRITE* @command: Byte interpreted by slave, for protocols which use such bytes* @protocol: SMBus protocol operation to execute, such as I2C_SMBUS_PROC_CALL* @data: Data to be read or written* This executes an SMBus protocol operation, and returns a negative* errno code else zero on success.*/
s32 i2c_smbus_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, u16 addr,unsigned short flags, char read_write,u8 command, int protocol, union i2c_smbus_data *data)
{s32 res;i2c_lock_bus(adapter, I2C_LOCK_SEGMENT);res = __i2c_smbus_xfer(adapter, addr, flags, read_write,command, protocol, data);i2c_unlock_bus(adapter, I2C_LOCK_SEGMENT);return res;

s32 __i2c_smbus_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, u16 addr,unsigned short flags, char read_write,u8 command, int protocol, union i2c_smbus_data *data)
{unsigned long orig_jiffies;int try;s32 res;/* If enabled, the following two tracepoints are conditional on* read_write and protocol.*/trace_smbus_write(adapter, addr, flags, read_write,command, protocol, data);trace_smbus_read(adapter, addr, flags, read_write,command, protocol);flags &= I2C_M_TEN | I2C_CLIENT_PEC | I2C_CLIENT_SCCB;if (adapter->algo->smbus_xfer) {/* Retry automatically on arbitration loss */orig_jiffies = jiffies;for (res = 0, try = 0; try <= adapter->retries; try++) {res = adapter->algo->smbus_xfer(adapter, addr, flags,read_write, command,protocol, data);if (res != -EAGAIN)break;if (time_after(jiffies,orig_jiffies + adapter->timeout))break;}if (res != -EOPNOTSUPP || !adapter->algo->master_xfer)goto trace;/** Fall back to i2c_smbus_xfer_emulated if the adapter doesn't* implement native support for the SMBus operation.*/}res = i2c_smbus_xfer_emulated(adapter, addr, flags, read_write,command, protocol, data);trace:/* If enabled, the reply tracepoint is conditional on read_write. */trace_smbus_reply(adapter, addr, flags, read_write,command, protocol, data, res);trace_smbus_result(adapter, addr, flags, read_write,command, protocol, res);return res;

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