Exponetial BackOff(指数退避算法)


     指数退避算法的定义和使用可以在网上搜搜。提供一下wiki的介绍部分定义:an algorithm that uses feedback to multiplicatively decrease the rate of some process, in order to gradually find an acceptable rate.




/*the pesudocode Do some asynchronous operation:retries = 0Do wait for (2^retries * 100) millisecondsstatus = Get the result of the asynchronous operationIf satatus = Success retry = FalseElse If status = Not_Ready retry = trueElse if satus = Throttled retry = true Elsesom other error occurrred, so stop calling the API	retry = false End ifretries = retries + 1While(retry AND (reties < MAX_RETRIES))
*/#include <math.h>/* Define the status of the retry  
** The flag of the result you can define as you need
typedef ResStaus
}st_ResStatus;/* The MinTime Your action need to be active */
#define MAX_ACTIVE_TIME 100
#define MAX_ACTIVE_RETRIES 16/* The times of exponential backoff */
double getWaitTimeExp(int RetryCount, long BaseTimes)
{double TempWait = 0;TempWait = (pow(2, RetryCount) * BaseTimes);return TempWait;
}/* The operations */
int OperationWaitForResult()
{long Token = 0;int Retries = 0;bool RetryFlag = false;st_ResStatus Result = eRES_None;/* The BaseTime is the one times your action need to active */double BaseTimes = 0;double WaitTime = 0;do{/* Get the waittime times first */WaitTime = (MIN_ACTIVE_TIME > getWaitTimeExp(RetryCount, BaseTimes) ? getWaitTimeExp(RetryCount, BaseTimes) : MAX_ACTIVE_TIME);printf("WaitTime :%ld\n", WaitTime);/* The thread hangup waittime */sleep(WaitTime);/* Your action functions return the status of the executed the functions */	Result = YourActionFunc();switch(Result){/* Do your actions process */case eRES_Success:RetryFlag = false;break;/* Do your cation the error process */case eRES_OtherError:RetryFlag = true;break;default:/* The stop flag of your action need to process */break;}}while(RetryFlag && ((Retries++) < (MAX_ACTIVE_RETRIES))/* Do your later process */	

   其实这里面的精华部分,就是取得指数规避的动态的指数参数,并且这个返回的Times, 你可以用在定时器,或者你需要重复调用的Action的限制的时间,次数等。



四:Given a method to gerenated a uniforms times

    这里直接上了参照wiki的方法,代码和对应的算法公式。只需将上面的codes funcation 进行一些改变就可以了:


/*Give the uniform distribution of backoff times The expected backoff time is the mean of the possibilities.That is ,after c collisions,the number of backoff slots is in [0, 1, ..., N], where N = 2^c -1 and the expected backoff time (in lsots) is (1)/(N + 1)(Sigma(1 -- N))for example:when c = 3;N = 2^C - 1;N = 7;and the calculate the mean of the back off time possibilities E(c) = (1)/(N + 1)(Sigma(1 -- N))= N / 2 = (2^C - 1) / 2;which is, for the example, E(3) = 3.5 slots
/* The times of exponential backoff */
double getWaitTimeExp(int RetryCount, long BaseTimes)
{double TempWait = 0;TempWait = (pow(2, RetryCount) * BaseTimes);/* Give the uniform distribution of backoff times */TempWait = (TempWait - 1) / 2;return TempWait;

  这样每次产生的time,就是一个唯一的Uniform time .


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独自遨游何稽首 揭天掀地慰生平