
A file with the .webp file extension is a file format developed by Google to reduce the size of images without having to sacrifice quality for storage space. WebP images are designed to make the web faster, with smaller, richer photos for developers to use.

带有.webp 文件扩展名的文件是Google开发的一种文件格式,用于减小图像大小而不必牺牲存储空间的质量。 WebP图像旨在使Web更快,并提供更小,更丰富的照片供开发人员使用。

什么是WebP文件? (What Is a WebP File?)

WebP (pronounced Weppy) format is the sister project of WebM video container format—based on the VP8 video codec developed by On2 Technologies—released by Google. Google acquired On2 Technologies on February 19, 2010, then released WebP in September of the same year.

WebP(发音为Weppy )格式是WebM视频容器格式的姊妹项目,该格式基于由Google发布的On2 Technologies开发的VP8视频编解码器。 Google于2010年2月19日收购了On2 Technologies,然后在同年9月发布了WebP。

With 60%-65% of bytes on most web pages being images, Google set out to create a free, open-source file format that stores both lossy and lossless compression formats in high-quality. While maintaining quality but reducing the size of images, pages load faster, use less bandwidth, and save battery power—especially on mobile—when pages use WebP images.

由于大多数网页上60%-65%的字节都是图像,因此Google着手创建一种免费的开源文件格式,该文件格式可以高质量存储有损和无损压缩格式。 当页面使用WebP图像时,在保持质量但减小图像大小的同时,页面加载速度更快,使用的带宽更少并节省了电池电量(尤其是在移动设备上)。

WebP uses predictive compression to encode an image that checks the values in neighboring blocks of pixels to predict the values in a block, and then it only encodes the difference between them. This allows pixels to be copied multiple times throughout a single file, and redundant data is removed from each block. Saving only the data that changes between each block reduces storage space compared to PNG and JPEG formats.  You can learn more from the official WebP compression techniques reference page.

WebP使用预测压缩对图像进行编码,该图像检查相邻像素块中的值以预测块中的值,然后仅对它们之间的差异进行编码。 这样就可以在一个文件中多次复制像素,并从每个块中删除冗余数据。 与PNG和JPEG格式相比,仅保存每个块之间更改的数据会减少存储空间。 您可以从官方WebP压缩技术参考页中了解更多信息。

WebP lossless images are 26% smaller than PNG files and up to 34% smaller than lossy JPEG files at an equivalent structural similarity (SSIM) quality index.

在同等的结构相似性 (SSIM)质量指标下,WebP无损图像比PNG文件小26%,比有损JPEG文件小34%。

我如何打开一个? (How Do I Open One?)

Because WebP is developed by Google and royalty-free, it has already been integrated into lots of applications and software you might already have on your computer. Most web browsers already have the required plugin to handle the format.

由于WebP由Google开发且免版税,因此它已集成到您可能已经在计算机上拥有的许多应用程序和软件中。 大多数网络浏览器已经具有处理格式所需的插件。

WebP images are designed for the web and are almost indistinguishable from JPEG and PNG, so you may not have even noticed that’s what you were looking at. You can save a WebP image to your computer the same way you would any other image on the internet; right-click the image and click “Save Image As.”

WebP图像是为Web设计的,与JPEG和PNG几乎没有区别,因此您甚至可能没有注意到这就是您要查看的内容。 您可以像在互联网上保存任何其他图像一样,将WebP图像保存到计算机中。 右键单击该图像,然后单击“将图像另存为”。

Choose a destination on your computer where you want to save the image, then click “Save.”


If you have Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Opera, all you have to do is double-click the image, and it opens in your default browser for you to view.


You can edit WebP files using graphics software, like GIMP, ImageMagick, or Microsoft Paint, which natively open WebP files by default. On Windows, right-click the image, point to “Open With,” then choose the program you want to edit with.

您可以使用图形软件(例如GIMP,ImageMagick或Microsoft Paint)编辑WebP文件,这些软件默认情况下会本机打开WebP文件。 在Windows上,右键单击该图像,指向“打开方式”,然后选择要用于编辑的程序。

IrfanView, Windows Photo Viewer, and Photoshop all require plugins to open WebP images.

IrfanView , Windows Photo Viewer和Photoshop都需要插件才能打开WebP图像。

You can always change the default application for a file type should you want to open the file with a different program altogether on Mac and Windows. Or, just use Google Chrome to download WebP images as JPEG or PNG in the first place.

如果要在Mac和Windows上使用完全不同的程序打开文件,则始终可以更改文件类型的默认应用程序。 或者,首先使用Google Chrome浏览器以JPEG或PNG格式下载WebP图像 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/424677/what-is-a-webp-file-and-how-do-i-open-one/
