被动技能:       Fearless (Level 2) – You are especially resilient to damage (+1 Armor Toughness / level) and (+5% Resist Fear / level)       无畏(要求等级2),你的攻击特别有力.(每升1级+1盔甲,每升1级+5%抵御畏惧)

       Death Strike (Level 2) – You Know how to hit the enemy hard. (+3% / level Critical Hit Chance)       死亡打击(要求等级2),你知道如何去攻击敌人的头部.(每升1级+3%重击几率)

       Blademaster (Level 2) – You are a master with swords and Knives. (+1 damage / level)       剑术大师(要求等级2),你成为剑和刀术的大师.(每升1级+1攻击威力)

       Herb Lore (Level 2) – You understand the secrets of herbs. (Herbs heal an additional 10 hp / level)       药草知识(要求等级2),你了解了药草的秘密.(每升1级使用药草可多加10体力)

       Hardy (Level 4) – You are extraordinarily healthy and strong. (+15 hit points / level)       坚毅(要求等级4),你变得格外健康和强壮.(每升1级+15打击点)

       Iron Will (Level 8) – When severely injured, you regenerate health. (+10% / level)       似铁决心(要求等级8),当受到严重的伤害时,你可以再生体力.(每升1级+10%恢复力)

       Fighter`s Resolve (Level 8) – When severely injured your wrath strengthens you. (When at 25% or less Hit Points you do +3 damage / level)       战士坚定(要求等级8),当受到严重的伤害时,你可以更有力的反击.(每升1级当你的体力等于或少于25%的时候+3攻击威力)

       Arrow Parry (Level 15) – You can parry arrows from the air. (6% / level chance of knocking arrows out of the air)       挡开弓箭(要求等级15),你能够挡开射来的箭.(每升1级+6%的几率)

       Rage of the North (Level 20) – Arogorn has a 10% chance of instantly killing a foe. Foes Killed this way give double experience.       北神之怒(要求等级20),阿拉贡有10%的几率直接杀死对手.同时可以得到双倍的被杀敌人的经验.

主动技能:       Sweep (Level 2) – Arogorn strikes all foes around him for +2 damage / level. 45 spirit.       旋风攻击(要求等级2),阿拉贡可以打击周围一圈的敌人.每升1级+2攻击威力,使用45法力点.

       King`s Command (Level 2) – Arogorn stuns all foes around him for 3 seconds +0.5 seconds / level. 65 spirit.       国王命令(要求等级2),阿拉贡可以使周围的敌人昏厥3秒,每升1级+0.5秒,使用65法力点.

       Sword Throw (Level 2) – Arogorn throws a sword for 10 damage +2 / level. Sword tracks at level 3 and up. 40 spirit.       投出宝剑(要求等级2),阿拉贡扔出宝剑,造成10攻击威力,每升1级+2攻击威力.从3级开始投出路线可以控制.使用40法力点.

       Numenorean Will (Level 5) – Arogorn gains +1 Armor toughness / level and does +3 damage / level.Lasts 5 seconds / level. 80 spirit.       神圣决心(要求等级5),阿拉贡使用后5秒内每升1级+1盔甲和3攻击威力.使用80法力点.

       Call of the Dead (Level 12) – Arogorn summons one Ghost Warrior / level .155 spirit.       召唤死灵(要求等级12),阿拉贡可召唤一个死亡战士.每升1级多召唤1个.使用155法力点.[$HR getPages$]

Gandalf (刚多尔夫)被动技能:       Blademaster (Level 2) – You are a master with swords and Knives. (+1 damage / level)       剑术大师(要求等级2),你成为剑和刀术的大师.(每升1级+1攻击威力)

       Keen Eyes (Level 2) – Your vision is unmatched. (You find 5% more gems and better items / level)       敏锐眼睛(要求等级2),你的视觉更加敏锐.(每升1级+5%几率得到更多的金钱和物品)

       Herb Lore (Level 2) – You understand the secrets of herbs. (Herbs heal an additional 10 hp / level)       药草知识(要求等级2),你了解了药草的秘密.(每升1级使用药草可多加10体力)

       Luck (Level 2) – You are incredibly fortunate. (Adds +1 to all attributes / level)       幸运(要求等级2),你获得了不可思议的运气.(每升1级+1所有属性能力)

       Spirit of Middle-earth (Level 6) – You can regenerate Spirit faster. (+20% Spirit regeneration / level)       大地精神力(要求等级6),你可以更快的恢复精神力.(每升1级+20%精神再生能力)

       Wise (Level 15) – Your experience serves you well. (+3% experience from enemies Killed / level)       聪明(要求等级15),你可以从战斗中获得更多知识.(每升1级+3%打死敌人得到的经验值)

       Last Stand (Level 15) – Even when you are at your end, you may return to strength. (+8% chance / level to return to life with 50% health)       最后的战士(要求等级15),当你倒下时,你可以恢复部分体力重新站起.(死亡后恢复50%体力,每升1级+8%的几率)

       Wisdom of the Ages (Level 15) – You are a master of ancient magic (All offensive spells do +2 damage / level)       智慧(要求等级15),你是一个古代魔法的大师.(每升1级使所有攻击魔法+2攻击威力)

       Servant of the Secret Fire (Level 20) – All of Gandalf`s spells are effectively one level higher.       神圣火焰(要求等级20),刚多尔夫所有的魔法等级上升1.

主动技能:       Sword of Power (Level 2) – Gandalf`s sword is struck by lightning. +3 damage /level for 8 seconds / level .50 spirit.       强力剑击(要求等级2),刚多尔夫的剑附着上闪电.8秒内每升1级+3攻击威力.使用50法力点.

       Lightstrike (Level 2) – Gandalf creates a beam that does 10 damage / level. Does splash damage at level 5 .60 spirit.       光柱(要求等级2),刚多尔夫发出一个光柱攻击敌人.每升1级+10攻击威力.5级时产生飞溅效应.使用60法力点.

       Shield (Level 2) – Gandalf is surrounded by a protective shield. Starts at 30 hit points +20 hit points / level .80 spirit.       护盾(要求等级2),刚多尔夫发出一个能量护盾保护自己.可以吸收30点的打击.每升1级+20点打击.使用80法力点.

       Blinding Aura (Level 5) – Nearby foes take 10 damage +2 / level and are blinded for 3 seconds +2 / level .75 spirit.       眩目之光(要求等级5),每升1级对眩目中的敌人+10攻击威力,眩目中的敌人有3秒的瞎眼时间,每升1级+2秒.使用75法力点.

       Summon Gwaihir (Level 12) – Summons the giant eagle. Starts at 3 swoops, +1 swoop and +6 damage / level .150 spirit.       召唤Gwaihir(要求等级12),召唤巨鹰攻击敌人.巨鹰攻击3次,每升1级攻击+1次,攻击威力+6.使用150法力点.[$HR getPages$]

Eowyn (埃尔文)<