
e_vert = 27, 27, 27, 27,
eta_levels = 1.000, 0.999, 0.998, 0.996,
0.995, 0.993, 0.9922, 0.991,
0.989, 0.985,
0.978, 0.965,
0.945, 0.924,
0.904, 0.848,
0.747, 0.646,
0.545, 0.444,
0.343, 0.242,
0.141, 0.091, 0.061,
0.020, 0.000,




常见的转换式是 gmp=(PH+PHB)/9.81-HGT

gmp=(((PH(k)+PH(k+1)) / 2) + ((PHB(k)+(PHB(k+1)) / 2) / 9.81 – HGT

Firstly, the result of (PH+PHB)/9.8 is the height above sea level that is not what you need to check. For horizontal winds, some prognostic variables, and diagnostic variables, the center of the cell should be used. The center height above surface, absolute altitude should be calculated by running average from the top and bottom:
(((PH(k)+PH(k+1)) / 2) + ((PHB(k)+(PHB(k+1)) / 2) / 9.81 – HGT,
where PH and PHB are staggered in the vertical direction, meaning that they are at the tops and bottoms of grid cells. HGT is terrain height. This center height of grid cell is changing from model time to time based on definition of eta vertical coordinate system. You never get it fixed. So you cannot get the answer to your question by re-setting eta levels.
Secondly, for scalar properties such as temperature, tracer concentration, the modeled result spatially represents at the center of grid cell and shows a homogeneous value within entire grid box. That means the modeled value is constant from bottom to top of the grid cell. What you think about is the sub-scaled. You may use Monin-Obukov similarity theory to derive the modeled value at the height of 4.4m at which your monitor is set. For doing this you may copy the way to calculate those diagnostic variables like T2, Q2 in the model. (But U10 and V10 are different). Due to limitation of M-O theory and model as well as observation technology I am not sure you can get your results much improved even at such a small different height of 0.3 m (4.7m – 4.4m). Normally we can directly compare the modeled result and observed one obtained at surface layer. However it highly depends on what kind of parameter you are dealing with and what accuracy requirements for this measurement are. I do not know what observation you made.


先按照上面默认的eta值运行下去(在跑wrf时,可以先只算一个小时的数据,因为现在还属于试验阶段),得到模式结果后,你就可以画出每个eta值对应的height的等值线图了,这样你就可以看出每个eta对应的离地高度值。这样,得到的结果,可能是eta=0.993对应的位势高度是57m, eta=0.9922对应的是66m,这样一来,你就知道eta值对应的60m的范围了(0.993-0.9922)。第一次试验结束,现在你就把0.993改为0.9928,大概差不多,下次你的结果就基本是60m了,当然你也可能第二次试验。由于eta坐标是等气压值坐标,所以每个eta面上的位势高度都不可能相等。也就是说等气压面并不是一个平面,所以无论你怎么调节都不可能全部等于60m。 所以在60m左右就可以了,一般会在59-61m。相当不大。

